HakuMor Short

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I wanted to write a little short about these two...So I did.



Oh god-it burns please! Please make it stop! It's so hot I can't breathe-my eye! I can't see! God it hurts! Stop! STOP! Brother! Brother where are you?! Fire! There's a fire! HELP!

I snapped upright, sheets falling around my waist and my wooden hand grasping my left cheek. How many times have I had that dream? Yet it never gets any less terrifying each time. I always manage to wake everyone up when I wake up from those dreams too, I'm proud of myself for not screaming everyone awake. This place isn't helping either. The room on this ship is rickety and wooden, lit only by a few candles placed around the room. All of which I had to personally make sure that every last glowing ember was out before I let myself relax and sleep. It's always dark in this room, but I can make out the shapes of Alibaba, Aladdin, and Morgiana sleeping. And by judging my internal clock, it's probably around 5:30. I shouldn't wake them up for this. They've helped me more than enough. 'Especially Alibaba...' I thought, glancing at his passed out form on my left. It's settled then. Silently, I got up and made my way to the door, opening it quietly and slipping out. The ship was small, compared to some of the other ships I had sailed on in the past. It was easy to get around and I knew where my destination was. Nothing like a little cooking in the morning to get your mind off things. The ship was silent as I worked my way to the kitchen door, opening it with a creak and stepping inside. It was an old galley. Wood burning stove, pantry, some counter space and some tables and chairs. 'Well, lets get cooking.' I grabbed my hair pin shoved in my pocket and tied my hair back, waking behind the counter.

It was around 6:30 when I heard sailors coming in. They didn't ask me what I was doing there, or why I was there, they just came in, grumbled a hello, grabbed a cup of coffee and left. Not that I'm complaining. When I'm cooking everyone needs to be out of my way. No more than one cook in the kitchen. I was fully absorbed in my cooking, platters of fresh fruit, eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, oatmeal, pancakes, and waffles of every single kind. "I should've expected to see you in here." I nearly dropped said plate of waffles at the female voice invading my ears. "You scared me Morgiana" I turned around to look the beautiful pink haired girl. She smiled softly at me, and I quickly turned my attention back to the food to avoid her seeing the colour in my cheeks. I heard her footsteps come next to mine and she leaned over the food platers. "It smells delicious! There's enough food here to feed an army!" Smiling, I went back to slicing fruit and fresh herbs. "Or in our case, Alibaba." She laughed, and my heart swelled. I made her laugh! We fell into a comfortable silence and she came to help me chop up the fruits. I could feel her eyes watching me and I politely ignored it in favour of spacing out. Why do I keep remembering that night? Why do I always have dreams about it? I can still smell the smoke, still feel the burning pain of the flames licking up my skin- "Ow..." I snapped out of my trance to see Morgiana holding her bleeding finger to her chest. "Oh my god are you ok?! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention!" My voice was shaking as I pressed a cloth to her hand. In fact, I'm pretty sure my voice wasn't the only thing shaking, I could practically hear my wooden arm rattle. "Hakuryuu! Hakuryuu relax it's fine! I'm ok!" My heart was pounding and everything seemed like it was slowing down. The hand I was clasping Morgiana's wrist with was sending tremors through her arm. "I can see you weren't paying attention. You've been slicing your left hand for 5 minutes." I felt as if my face was on fire as I looked down at my wooden hand. Scratches littered it and chunks were cut out of it, I really had been cutting into it. I could almost hear Zagan laughing at my complete and utter failure. "H-hey I'm ok." My eyes drifted back up to meet hers and I only held her stare for a minute before looking away. I pulled my hand away from holding onto her wrist, removing the cloth that was pressed against her hand. The cut in her hand was red and puffy around the edges, it had stopped bleeding and was now just a red slit in her perfect smooth skin. Absentmindingly, my right hand had begun to rub circles onto the back of her hand. "Morgiana..." I couldn't think of anything else to say. My tongue felt like it was glued to the top of my mouth, everything felt numb save for the warmth radiating from her skin. I felt my wooden hand twitch as she reached over and grabbed it, fingers tracing over the cuts and splinters in it. I kept my eyes glued to the ground and willed my face to cool down, it felt like it was on fire. "Wow there's a lot of splinters in this..." She said and I only nodded. "You could probably use sand paper on it, if it really bothers you with how rough it is." I looked up, revealing my probably tomato red face and wide blue eyes to her. "Y-Yeah...maybe..." God why is it so hard to talk?! I can't think straight with my heart beating so loud! She let go of my hand and it fell back to my side. I let go of hers and stepped back to cut more fruit, willing my heart to slow down before I had a heart attack. "Well...I'll go wake up Alibaba and Aladdin." She left and I dropped the knife onto the counter, knees giving out and I fell back against the cabinets. I clutched my hands to my chest, feeling the hammering of my heart in my chest. God why do you do this to me Morgiana? I looked down at my wooden hand, relishing in the memories of her soft hand brushing against the joints and scratches. My face flushed again and I shook my head, standing up and continuing with the food.

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