Part 2

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OK SO.....100 VIEWS ALREADY?! Holy crap guys!! Thank you sooooo much! I never thought i'd get this many, guess we got some HakuMor fans out there? ;)

Now, I AM AWARE THAT ALIMOR IS CANNON NOW but I refuse to stop writing HakuMor because I still think it's adorable and it would work. SO DEAL WITH IT.

So, a lot of people wanted a part two I am. I looong time later. Sorry this took so long but I had no idea of where I was gonna go with the second part. As I'm writing this, I still don't. But I usually write the best when nothing is planned so I'll try my best and make this cute and fluffy.



We entered the ship, warm dampness washing over us like a wave. Sailors were bussing about, entering and coming out of different rooms. Morgiana walked ahead of me, pink hair bouncing with every step and arms held strongly at her sides. We walked down the small staircase that led to the rooms and walked down the short hallway till we reached our room. When we entered, we saw Alibaba and Aladdin sitting across from each other, talking in hushed voices until they could see us completely. Aladdin smiled at us. "What took you so long?" I pretended not to hear the question, wanting to avoid the topic of my childish breakdown. Morgiana, ever prudent at catching on to how I was feeling, answered the question. "We were just talking." I saw a slight smirk on Alibaba's face and Aladdin smiled wider. What was up with these two? "Talking? What about?" I moved to sit on my hammock, sending Morgiana a glance. 'They know something' I tried to say with my eyes, and she sent a quick nod, seeming to understand my unspoken statement. "Just about...stuff." Flopping down onto the pillow in my hammock, I rolled over to face the other direction. "Oh? Like what?" It was Alibaba who spoke this time, in the same teasing tone that Aladdin had used only moments before. Groaning, I rolled over to face them and sat up. "Why do you want to know so much?" "Oh no reason..." After Aladdin had said that they suddenly burst into laughter. Me and Morgiana looked from each other to them, and then back again until Alibaba finally spoke. "Oh man! I can't keep this up anymore!" I was confused, but at the same time I felt like I had been right the entire time about them knowing something...but what exactly? "What are you talking about?" Morgiana questioned, equally confused. Alibaba cleared his throat and Aladdin smiled a childish grin. "We saw everything. KYA! You two are so cute!!" I felt the colour rise to my cheeks, embarrassed and slightly flattered. Morgiana's cheeks also turned a light pink hue. Alibaba stood up slowly and walked towards me, eyes on the floor. He came up to me and cupped a hand around my ear, leaning closer. "If she gets pregnant I'm blaming you." He whispered and my face lit up like fire. "EH?!" I punched him in the gut as he laughed at my face. "Kidding! Kidding!" Scowling, I rubbed my cheeks to (hopefully) cool them down. Aladdin giggled and walked up to Morgiana. He took her hands and smiled at her. "I'm happy for you." He looked over at me. "Both of you." I smiled, shoulders feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off of them. "What are we still standing around here for? I'm starving! Haku! Get in the kitchen!" Alibaba whined, stretching his hands behind his head. I laughed lightly. "You could ask nicer. But sure I'll make food, if you guys help me..." All at once three sets of eyes were staring at me as if I'd been brainwashed. "What?" "Are you serious?" It was Alibaba who asked that. "Yeah of course." "You never let anyone in the kitchen when you're cooking though..." "Well, I thought we could all make this dinner long as you do what I say." They all gave a light laugh and we headed to the kitchen.

 I sighed and plopped down into my hammock. Stomach full and feeling quite happy we didn't burn the place down. We were all peacefully silent, relishing in each other's company and the creaking of the ship. The candles around the room flickering in the gentle breeze slipping through the cracks in the wooden planks. Alibaba yawned quite loudly and sat up. "Well, I don't know about you guys. But I'm going to sleep." We all nodded in agreement, it was getting late. The candles were extinguished and we returned to our hammocks. Goodnights were whispered and there was the sound of shuffling blankets, then silence. I rolled onto my right side, seeing Morgiana in her hammock, eyes staring up at the ceiling. She caught my gaze and rolled onto her left to face me. I sent her a gentle smile and she returned it before gently closing her eyes and falling asleep. Still smiling, I brought my left hand up to run parallel to my right and curled into a ball. The gentle sound of the waves and the rocking of the boat lulling me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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