It all makes sense...

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Jodie's POV-
Maybe that's what Charlie meant I thought to myself...
Maybe Charlie knew? Wait, no he said it's about Leo and Leah! What could it be? I focused my mind on it, but not so much Leah would know.
I texted Charlie.
'Text me 30 minutes before you land, I'll pick you up, I need to talk about this thing between Leo and Leah Xx,'
He replied instantly, 'I guess that would be now, we are landing in 20 mins and okay see you soon xx,'
I got my mom to drive me, since I was only 15 and didn't have a legal licence. we arrived just in time to watch Charlie's plane land. I waited outside the long walk through between the plane and the airport building.
As soon as Charlie and Leo's face peered round the corner I ran towards them and hugged them.
Leo explained that he had somewhere to be, to this moment right now I still don't know? So that left me and Charlie for coffee and a catch up.
Charlie ordered my usual and his.
'Charlie,' i begin,'Whats happening?'
'Well,'he says,' Blaire knows that Leondre is the most preferred, I mean they don't exactly keep it to themselves.'
At that point I grabbed Charlies hand.
He continued,' So he thinks that there would be loads of hate involved in their relationship.'
'What about ours?' I ask.
'Jodie ours is fine, all my bambinos support it, they know you make me happy, if only they could see it for Leo and Leah too.'
I sat there, wondering what to say about this delicate matter, when suddenly I blurted out,' Why did he do it?'
'Do what? And who?' Charlie said, looking at me very confused.
'Blaire, why did he vandal Leahs house?' I ask wondering if he knew anything about it.
'Jodie I don't know, but Leah can't press chargers otherwise that's the end of Bars And Melody.

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