The new hunter

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Cameron's POV

I woke up the next morning to see Jonathan and I were in the same bed cuddling again. I smiled as I kissed his cheek and got up and walked to his bathroom. After I took a shower I walked back to see he was awake already. He yawned smiling at me. "Morning Cam how did you sleep?" I smiled and kissed him as my cheeks began to turn a light red. He kissed back as he blushed to.

"Good how did you sleep cutie?" I said smiling as he blushed and covered his face. I moved his paws away after that we spent the rest of the morning laying together as I held him close to me.

After we got up when it was time to go to school. We finished changing into our school clothes and he made breakfast for us. When we were done eating we started walking to school and on the way I held his paw. He smiled and held mine as we kept walking together.

~~~Time skip~~~

We were in our 5 period English when I looked over to see the gray and black wolf from yesterday walking in. "Isn't that the guy from yesterday?" I whisper to Jonathan. He glanced over for a second than looked back at me.

"That's him, I guess he goes here to." He says looking at me as the wolf looks over at us. The teacher asked him to introduce himself to the class. The wolf faced the class and said, "My name is Sebastian Mikuni its nice to meet all of you." He says as Mr. Lukas tells him to sit in the desk in front.

He sits and either me and Jonathan will catch him looking over at us time to time and I have this wired feeling I have met him before but I don't know where.

Jonathan's POV

During class I would look up and see Sebastian glancing over at me and Cameron I didn't think much of it just as long as he doesn't try to kill me like Alexander. But....I can't shake this feeling I know him from somewhere but where have I seen him? After class was over me and Cameron walked to his house since I haven't been over to his.

Sebastian's POV

I glanced over at Cameron and Jonathan it was so nice to see them together again I missed them and Alexander. I look around for a second remembering everything from the day I met them. I looked down at my soul ring I've got to let them know.....we are all being tricked by shion...

Cameron's POV

We walked to my house I opened the door as we went in. Jonathan smiled at me as we went up to my room. He sat on my bed smiling at me as shion pawed at the window I open it and the white cat jumped in swaying his tail as he looked up at us "I'm glad I found you two, I have to talk to you about that new hunter that appeared yesterday he's irregular." Me and Jonathan looked at each other.

"What do you mean irregular?" I asked looking at him he scratched his ear looking back up at us.

"He's not like Jonathan or Alexander he's different I have no memory of meeting him or forming a contract with him." I looked over at Jonathan "if he's a hunter he had to have made a contract with you right?" "Yes and no like I said I have no idea what he is or what he is capable of so it would be a good idea to watch you're backs in case he is planing anything." Shion says as he turns jumping out the window disappearing into the night.

Alexanders POV

"Damn it." I said as I walked through the labyrinth making my way to the deepest part were the demon is.

The walls of the labyrinth were a black and white checkerboard pattern and the floor had different boxes all over it. As I got to the deepest part of it there was a stage with red curtains on it and a big orange and yellow box in the center of the stage "That must be the were the demon is." I say to myself as I cut two of the demons servants in half running toward the stage.

I jumped up about to attack when the box opened its eye " What the hell." I say as pitch black sludge like stuff shoots out from the eye of the box. I shield my face with my arm before the sludge hits me.

I couldn't see anything all I could hear was whispers I couldn't move my body I was completely surrounded by darkness. this....? Somehow I manage to cover my ears but I could still hear the whispers and mumbling. I open my eyes seeing my past and everything I had done I started to tear up as memories of the abuse I went through when I was a pup I closed my eyes trying to make it stop hoping it would go away. Than my eyes shot open somehow I broke free from what ever that was falling to the ground hard coughing and panting. I manage to stand up holding my arm I looked up seeing the real demon it was standing on top of the box a silhouette of a dragon furry. I smiled a fake smile "of course..."

"I try to forget those horrible memories but I just can't get away from them can I..." I say sniffing as tears run down my cheeks.

Cameron's POV

I had this feeling something was wrong I looked over at Jonathan as we were watching a movie together
"Did you see Alexander today?" He shook his head "now that you mention it he wasn't in any of our classes."

I sigh "Something is wrong he never misses school we should go look for him just to see if he is okay." Jonathan hugged me"okay let's go." he said as we got up and left my house.

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