Comforting ⊙﹏⊙

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Her heartbeat was racing despite how she took her time walking along the pavement.


She knew she did something wrong. Her hands were trembling as she placed them inside her coat pockets. She knew that she can still stay away from the quod, but knowing the police in the area, chances are they won’t be lenient since she believes that they are all crooks.

She’s young, she didn’t know what she was doing, she doesn’t know much. That’s what people would say. She was tired of hearing the same old thing. She knew that it was wrong, but she also knew she was desperate, a little too desperate.


Surely she won’t go to prison if the police knew that it was all for self-defence. She did not know why she’s feeling guilty. It’s none of your fault. You were just protecting yourself. That’s what she kept telling herself. But she is still in shock. She can’t accept what she had just done. It doesn’t happen every day. Did she feel regret? Perhaps. She felt a sense of regret right after it happened. The man was twisted, but he didn’t have to die.


She wanted run away. It won’t be long before the police would catch her and interrogate her. Maybe she needed a psychiatrist. Maybe she just needed a friend. She needed someone. But who could she turn to? It was ten in the evening and her best friend wasn’t around. She really felt alone. She didn’t know where she was headed. She was just walking around the silent streets in the chilly London night. Without thinking, she turned straight to an alley. She had almost reached the end when someone got her arm and pulled her. She was surprised until she got to see the face. She knew the face. That’s when she cracked and cried into his arms.

“What happened to you Alex?” he asked

But she couldn’t reply. She was practically sobbing hysterically into his chest. He patted her back, trying to comfort her. If only he knew why.

“Hey, why are you crying?” he asked when he tried to pull away to get a good look at her face. She stopped sobbing and looked at him.

“Let’s go home?” he asked and Alex nodded.

Dan led her to his apartment. Alex didn’t want to stay alone in the place that she and her best friend share. She would probably end up still going to Dan and Phil’s. She took a seat as Dan made something for the both of them.

“Where’s Phil?” she managed to ask

“In Florida. Left two days ago.” He replied

She nodded slightly and stared in space.

“What happened to you, Alex? I haven’t heard from you in awhile.”

She couldn’t speak. The events that had happened for the past two hours are still fresh and vivid in her mind.

“Are you alright? Stupid question. You don’t look alright.” He said as he set down the hot tea that he made on the table.

Alex immediately grabbed the cup and felt the heat. She took a sip and she felt a tad lighter. Maybe it was the cold, or maybe it was all in her head that she was guilty. She’s not guilty. She can’t be guilty.

“It’s a really long story, Dan. And I don’t think you’re going to want to hear it.” Alex said

“We have the whole night.” Dan answers

She sighed. She did want to talk to someone.

“What I’m about to tell you…” she began “I’m sure you won’t be looking at me the same way again.”

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