A Mission Awaits....

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"Ugh, Graaaaaaace" Kelly moaned, bored. "We've been looking foooooorrrrr hours! Just give uppppp already, my YouTube is gone forever! And so has everyone else's!"

"Shh" Grace rudely replies.

Kelly groans, lying upside down on her bed. She rolls her gray eyes sarcastically and makes a big deal out it and makes sure the rude individual sees it.


"Hey! I said nothing then!"


Kelly pouts and sits up, feeling dizzy from being upside down. "For fuck sake Grace! Stop telling me to shush!" She scolds at her, trying to get her attention. Grace's pale blue eyes stay fixated onto her illuminated laptop and her fingers are rapidly dancing across the keyboard. She doesn't move a single muscle, mesmorised by the technology sitting infront of her.

Rage builds up inside Kelly's chest, it tries to escape her dry mouth, she holds it back like a warden keeping an inmate behind bars. Her eyes get a glint of fire, lighting up like an inferno. She sighs heavily like a bull agitated by the matador waving the pathetic cloak.

"Shh" Grace pushes the final button.

The rage spills out like a volcano erupting for the first time in over a thousand years.


" WHAT!?" Kelly almost shouts, enraged. The girl just squeaks with laughter. Kelly's face turns to the most puzzled look you have ever seen in your lifetime.

Hardly able to breathe, Grace uttered " Y-You should have seen your face! It was hilarious! " She carries on in her laughing fit, rolling back and fourth clutching her stomach.

Fighting back tears, Kelly states... "W-Wait... You were joking?" She just watches dumbfounded at the annoying girl still rolling back and fourth messing up the neatly made purple covers. She launches a lilac unicorn cushion at Grace's red face, hiding it from the outside world. Grace snorts.

"Oh my God, Grace... It's not that funny." Kelly starts to snigger, covering her mouth. Grace snorts once more. That just sends Kelly herself into an uncontrollable, frenzied fit.

5 whole minutes drag by and the girls start to calm down from the out of control laughter. "That was one of the funniest things, EVER!" Kelly says enthusiastically. "Good one, Grace!" She glances over at her limp friend. The unicorn cushion still resting, carefully on Grace's face. She is eerily quiet... her slim chest still heaving up and down. "Grace?" Kelly stares, although not meaning to. "Grace, are you OK?" Almost cat-like, Kelly manoeuvres quietly over to her. She shivers and her spine wobbles. She has a feeling Grace is going to scare the shit out of her. She quickly pulls the unicorn off of her friends face and tenses, expecting a jumpscare; her heart thumping in her chest in an uneven rhythm.

The girls eyes are shut, like she is in a coffin, at a beautiful funeral. She is ghost like and feels stone cold. "Uhm." Kelly's nerves shake causing her whole body to do the same in terror. Thoughts race through her mind: 'Is she dead? She can't be... She's still breathing .'

Silence again.

A jaw-dropping, fist-clenching screech fills the air, interrupting Kelly's thoughts. Her eyes widen, She jumps so high in the air that she smashes her 'empty' head on the celing; falls over the edge of the wooden bed and lands back first on the black, glinting floor. "OWWW" she moans, in pain. More laughter erupts from on top of the bed. Kelly's squeezes her eyes shut...processing what has just happened, she must have looked like a complete fool...

She opens her eyes again; they clearly show pain and she looks up towards the bed. A familiar face smirks down at her. " You OK?" The face says. Sarcasm comes out of Kelly's mouth. "Yeah, I'm completely fine, smartass." A giggle returns.

With effort and wincing, Kelly stands up and holds onto the bed for support. "Why...Why did you do that?" "Because..." Kelly raises an eyebrow, unamused. "Because?" Grace smirks and doesn't reply. Kelly lunges for Grace to pin her down to interrogate her till she spits out the answer but she accidentally presses the 'ESC' key on Grace's laptop and a swirling animation forms on the screen.

"What...the..." The girls say, together.

The laptop starts to gust out wind and it fills the air; the girls hair starts blowing wildly across their faces. "Sugar...KELLY! WHAT DID YOU DO?" "UH NOTHING!" Paper and drawings of Kelly's start flying out of their neat piles and soar around the room as if they were living organisms. Kelly gulps and Grace does straight after.

Suddenly, the paper starts to be sucked into the laptop. Kelly's eyes widen. Her hair still flustering around. The piece of technology start to get stronger and so does the suction, managing to pull both of the girls towards them. Grace starts to panic, "IT'S GONNA EAT US!"



Kelly rolls her eyes and the laptop starts to heave the girls towards it. Hair and paper still floating around the room, the girls grab onto the covers of the bed but the suction is too strong and the girls bottom halves are already inside the screen. Kelly screams as she is pulled into the computer, her voice fading away: "GRACE! HOPE to see....you ........here.........." Grace clasps on for dear life as the computer tries to do the same to her.

This lasts for 3 whole minutes when, Grace's hands suddenly slip and she is sucked into the inanimate object. Her screams are not to be heard by anyone.

The rooms falls deadly silent as the coloured laptop closes the portal into the unknown. Paper glides down and rests on random and confusing places; certain they have fulfilled their lives destiny.

Kelly and Grace have been sucked into oblivion, making the room now an eery place ... Will the girls ever....return?

The Adventures of Kelly and Grace! {Abandoned book}Where stories live. Discover now