Staying Over?

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"Yeah? Okay what time? Tomorrow? Oh. Uhh I'll ask" Vik covers the mic of his phone with his hand "Erm my mums staying late at work. She won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. I'll need somewhere to go because she doesn't trust me alone. C-can I stay over?" He asks shyly playing with his hands.

Vik staying over? Lachlan isn't complaining. "Yeah of course! My parents won't mind."
"Thanks! Yeah mum I'll stay at my friends for the night. I kinda forgot it was the weekend. Yup!" His face reddens and a slight shock comes to his face. "I-I know! I know I wont..Love you too see you tomorrow! " He ends the call smiling, giggling slightly.

Lachlan glances over at the boy quickly and smiles softly to himself as he pulls into the driveway.

Him and Vik get out of the car as Lachlan unlocks the door letting him in. His brothers sat on the couch watching some gameshow and yelling at the TV.
"Cmon let's go upstairs, my Bros an annoying fuck." He laughs as his brother flips him off.
They head upstairs and into Lach's room. They sit on his bed.

"OKAY. SO. Since we don't know each other very well let's play 20 questions" Lachlan announces.
"Okey dokey." Vik smiles shyly, still feeling awkward about being in Lachlan's room alone. He had already acknowledged he felt attracted to Lachlan. His eyes, his cute smile, his extremely hot accent. Hell Vik could listen to him talk all day. It was only then Vik realized he was staring as Lachlan waved his hand in front of his face. "Oop sorry. What'd you say?" Vik asked trying to hide his face slightly.
"I asked you what your favorite sport is." Lachlan giggled slightly. He knew Vik was totally eyeing him up.
"Oh! Uh.. football!" Vik replys.

So the game went on for about half an hour, them going way over 20 questions. Shooting questions like favorite actor, singer, food.

"Uh. My next question, w-why did you help me earlier? No one ever helps me..." Vik stammers slightly.
"Oh. Uh well, you just looked like you needed help. And those guys are complete asshats. Who would pick on such an adorable sweet person like you?" Lachlan's eyes widen as he quickly covers his mouth realizing what he has said. Vik's eyes go wide but he starts giggling loudly seeing Lachlan's reaction.
"Shh pretend you didn't hear that." He said shyly. "Okay okay next question who are you with?"
"No one at the moment. Kinda sucks as I was cheated on about 4 months ago. I've had a hard time trusting anyone since." Vik looked down sadly. Lachlan lifted his chin up to look into his eyes. "Don't be sad okay? They aren't worth it. You can always trust me with anything. I see you every day and I just now work up the courage to have a conversation longer than 3 minutes. But your a wonderful person who deserves so much better than them. Hell I just started talking to you a few weeks ago and I already know your one of the most perfect people I know."

Lachlan keeps spewing out words and Vik just looks at him, starstruck. Then hugs the tall boy tightly trying to keep tears from coming. Lachlan looks surprised but hugs back. "No one's ever been this nice and kind to me. Not even the person I was last with. And you barely know me. You're such a nice person..." Vik continues to hug him and Lachlan pulls him into his arms, closer to his chest.
"You deserve niceness. Your nothing but nice to other people. I don't know how someone could dislike you to be honest." Lachlan felt so bad for the boy. Vik pulls away wiping his eyes a bit.

"Well.. uhh. Do you like Minecraft?" Lachlan asks shyly. "Yeah!" Vik replied looking at the blond with a soft smile.
Lachlan waves Vik over to his Xbox and they play Minecraft for a bit. Before they knew it, the time read 11:50 pm.

Vik showed him the time and yawned. Lachlan awkwardly ran his hand through his hair. "Didn't realize how late it was. Here I'll set up the matress, you can have my bed."
"No no I can't do that. You can have your bed. It's okay. You'll barely fit on the mattress anyways you giant" Vik laughed quietly.
"If you insist. But if you're even the SLIGHTEST bit uncomfortable you tell me and you'll be sleeping on the bed. Got it?" Lachlan looked at him seriously. "Yes. I get it you big doof." Vik giggles again.

"Hope you don't mind, I usually only sleep in my boxers." Lachlan shouted from the bathroom, walking in. Lachlan smirked again noticing Vik was staring, but I didn't say anything. "Y-Yeah thats cool. I just sleep in boxers and a shirt... oh shit I don't have a night shi-.." not even finishing his sentence as a rather large baggy t-shirt was thrown his way. "Oh! uh thanks" He smiled shyly putting it on.
It was a light blue shirt with a pocket which has a single star on it. It went just down to his knees and the sleeves went just past his elbows. Lachlan grinned at the sight seeing the short boy looking especially cute in one of his shirts.

He yawned then plopped into bed as Vik did the same. "Gnight Vikky."
"Night Lach." He said smiling.
_________________Timeskip to 2 am

Lachlan awoke hearing a shuffling noise as he looked down and saw Vik shivering. He shook his head and got up, picking the small boy up and putting him next to him in Lachlan's bed. Pulling the thick blanket over him. Vik instantly cuddled up to get warmest thing close to him, which happened to be Lachlan. He again, wasn't complaining.

Lachlan lightly brushed the hair out of his face smiling softly to himself, relived the lights are off so if Vik did wake up he couldn't see how much he was smiling and blushing.

He then lightly pressed his lips to Vik's forehead. As he cuddles closer curling up into his chest.

Lachlan smiles hearing the soft breathing and drifts peacefully to sleep.

 Smile For Me? A Vikklan StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant