~Chapter 2~

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I woke up in my own bed, in my own room, to the sound of my alarm pounding in my ear. I turned over to read 8:15 on my phone, time to get up for school. Walking through my house to gather my shit I needed for school I didn't see my mother usually making breakfast, instead, she was crying at the dinner table staring at our family wall consisting of photos of me, my mother and my father, odd. I haven't seen my mother cry since my father passed away when I was 10 of a brain tumour. Ever since then I've been sort of distant from her... It's how I cope. In my usual low voice I asked
"mother? Are you alright?"
but she never said a word, nor did she even lift her head, odd. I decided to leave it at that, maybe she was missing my father, maybe she wanted to be alone, I would try again after school but right now I've really got to get going.

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