~Chapter 3~

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The ride to school was, for the most part, normal. It was short and peaceful, besides all the looks I kept getting as the unfamiliar faces of society passed me, odd. I got to school feeling a little out of place but seeing my mates would make me forget the odd morning I had. Okay so walking through my school felt like I was invisible. Was everyone mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Everyone was ignoring me and I felt sort of, alone. Then I heard Ricks voice from the right of me and down the hallways some, toward the office more so. He sounded devastated and that worried me so I rushed down toward him, carful not to bump into anyone. Then I saw a big crowd of people, looked mostly of year 11 students and some teachers but I didn't see Rick, he must be in the centre of the group, I thought. Trying to ask politely for people to shuffle so I could enter but no one was budging. I turned around and watched as the wind of students passing me blew my hair slightly. Could they see me...? That's when I saw Rick with my English teacher, Rick was crying, I had never seen Rick cry in the 16 years I knew him, he was always the cheerful one out of us. As he walked right passed my frozen body he looked up at me, he was the first one to look at me all day, Rick as looked at me a lot over the years it this time was different, this time it was almost as if he was looking... Through me. Then he started sobbing into his hands again. I turned around only to get a glimpse of the school news broadcast tv, it was a picture of..


It was my yearbook picture from earlier this year, beside it words written in a large, but gentle font saying,
"In loving memory of sixteen year old David Alexander Rakk. A caring and genuine year 11 student at Charlestown High School"
There was more but I had enough, I froze and stared at the students around me, they really couldn't see me, or hear me, or even feel me. That explains my mother this morning, and Rick. Everything came rushing to me at once it all so overwhelming, I broke down. That car accident I had been in last night... Killed me.

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