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When it's raining and you don't have an umbrella

Got7 - Older Brother


You: Yugyeom-oppa

You: oppa

You: OPPA!!!

Yugyeom: wut

You: I need a ride home

Yugyeom: you should walk and exercise

You: but it's raining

Yugyeom: and?

You: fine if you don't want to give me a ride I'll just ask Jinyoung-oppa he's nicer than you (`ε')

Yugyeom: fine fine

You: yayyyy

Yugyeom: also if you need my help ask me and don't go to Jinyoung

You: whyy

Yugyeom: don't ask why

Yugyeom: I'll be there in 5 minutes


You: Oppaaaa

Jr: what's wrong

You: it's raining and I don't have an umbrella (ㄒoㄒ)

Jr: wait 3 minutes I'll be right there

You: thx your the best


You: Markie

Mark: don't call me that

You: it's raining

Mark: I can tell

You: I don't have my umbrella

Mark: and what do you want me to do about it

You: I need u to come pick me uppp

Mark: but I have stuff to do

You: playing with your phone is not stuff to do

Mark: fine you owe me


You: Jakcekn it's raining

You: Jackson*

Jackson: wow you can't even spell my name right

You: I left my umbrella in the living room

Jackson: you want me to bring it to you?

You: I want u to give me a ride

Jackson: no

You: whyyy

Jackson: because you said that every time you get near me you want to throw up because I smell bad

Jackson: I don't want you to throw up in my car

You: bro I was just kidding

You: pls

You: (('д`)) help

You: I'll give you ten bucks

Jackson: I'll be there in 10 minutes


You: Bamboo

You: pick me up it's raining

Bambam: buy me cheeseburger

You: but I'm broke

Bambam: fine then good luck in the rain

You: OK OK I'll GEt yOU yoUr BUrgEr

Bambam: extra cheese please~


Youngjae: sis it's raining

Youngjae: you want me to pick you up?

You: yes please

You: thank you

Youngjae: no probrem

Youngjae: am I the best brother you can ever have??

You: yep

Youngjae: YESH!!!!


You: oppaaaa is raining

You: come pick me up

Jb: no

You: fine then I'll just walk in the rain

You: alone

You: wet

You: slip

You: and then fall

You: then get hurt

You: or get sick

You: then mom will tell you to take care of me

You: for 2 days

You: maybe 4

You: or maybe a week

Jb: pack you stuff I be right there

You: hehe thanks

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