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1. Do the stories need to be completed by the end of the contest deadline?

Nope, not at all! From what is my understanding, this was an obstruction for contestants in the Watty Awards in years before 2015, but here, you just need to have a considerable amount of plot so that we're not judging platonic characters and events that have no meaning yet.

2. How are stories going to be judged? I'm a little confused about the process.

So, I've gotten this question multiple times, and each time I've re-explained it, so I might as well tell the public:

First, you get accepted into the Awards after applying. Easy enough. Then, you're put on a waiting list to have the first three chapters (more if we like it; less if we're in a time crunch) of your entry critiqued by both a critiquer (I can't figure out a better name...) and partially by me, Lilia. This is so you may improve upon certain aspects of your writing before judging time comes, as well as some publicity for your book. Between now and sometime in August, I will be recruiting judges for the Final Judgment, and will be making sure there's no favoritism between them and the entries' authors. Do remember that the critiques will not affect your score by the judges, unless we openly said, "You need to fix your excessive pronoun usage," and you never adjusted that. If you improved, great, that will up your score. On August 30th, the winners' lists and chapters and book and etcetera will be publicized, as well as the individual scores for each book, including what each author can work to perfect. This contest isn't just for winners to get advertised, it's to help you all improve your skills as a budding writer! 

3. Is there a minus in points if there are author's notes in the chapters? I tend to do that often and I was wondering.

Of course not! Communication with one's audience is key to success, if you ask me, and you did! I do this in my own books, sometimes to give attentive readers news on my life, other times to provoke comments with questions about the chapter, and just to wish them a nice day--it's my attempt at being more pleasant and kindly.

4. I just wanted to know how the judging with affect everything. I know that you had certain rules on favoritism but I was just wondering how else (if anything else) you're going to apply to avoid bias or confusion. (This anonymous person then eludes to fan fiction and judges who may not be familiar with certain fandoms.)

When I warned about favoritism among judges, I meant if the applicant is affiliated with someone entering, they are not permitted to critique their friend's work. For the fan fiction genre, as well as the rest, I have people who are familiar with those areas and comfortable reading them critique the books for the best possible *honest* response. If I can't find anyone, I'll most likely advertise in the club's for people who can meet your needs, and if all else fails, I'll do it myself. I'm pretty familiar with quite a few fandoms, and can relate to ones that I'm not a part of semi-easily. 

5. (Not really a question) My book is completely unedited.

I get that. It does take time and payment to get people to edit your book, trust me, I've edited before. It takes a while. But, as I've told everyone, getting an editor (or self-editing, if you're like me and a grammar-Nazi) is always the best plan of action, because grammar and spelling and flow and EVERYTHING contributes to that final score you'll see on August 30th, and those points are highly valuable.

6. Is the sticker mandatory?

Nope, its only purpose is aesthetics and getting word of the Awards around.

7. How to add the sticker?

-Save the sticker to your pictures library on a computer/laptop.

-Make a free account on PicMonkey (or just do a trial) (of course if you already have an account, use that).

-Go to the "Design" tab.

-Open up a copy of your book's cover.

-Go to the butterfly tab on the left-hand side of your screen that has a butterfly silhouette ("Overlays").

-Click "Your Own."

-Open the file with the sticker on it.

-Drag and place the sticker wherever you find convenient (if need be for color scheming purposes, feel free to change the color a bit).

-Save the new cover to your computer, then upload it as your cover.

8. (This applies to people who entered prior to a change in running the awards) If we enter a book in two categories, can that book only win in one category?

That is correct. Every book needs a chance to shine!

9. If we enter multiple books on the same tag, will only one be a winner (hypothetically)?

Yes, though entering many books on one subcategory does increase your chances of winning, because you're taking up spots in the contest, which leaves less room for competition.

We are no longer accepting multiple entries from authors, sorry!

10. Is a prologue required?

No, of course not! I was just saying to those who do have a prologue that it counts as a chapter upon entry.

11. Should my book be completed to enter the contest?

Nope, you just need to have two chapters and update at least three times before the closing date.

12. Can you enter a book that's been entered in another competition?

Yup! Increase your chances of winning! For me to say otherwise would be awful! I want you all to succeed, and do that by whatever means you can!

Any more questions? Submit them in the comments below!


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