10 - Eyes

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10 - Eyes

Harry was getting more and more irritated with himself. All he had wanted to do was make a flower bloom and impress Grey, but he couldn't even make it sprout for Gods sake. They sat opposite each other at the desk in their carriage. Harry's hands circling around the small plant pot with the waiting seed inside.

Grey watched Harry as he glared at the pot. She found him absolutely fascinating. In Grey's world, everyone she met blended into one big sea of faces. Charlie was the only one who stuck out, and even she was blurred around the edges. Harry was an exception, however. Like Charlie, his outline was smudged, but his eyes shone. She saw his eyes as a gateway to his soul, like they were just asking for her to come in and have a look around. Grey knew exactly what she was feeling, she just hoped Harry felt it too.

Back in reality, Harry had felt Grey's gaze and was now looking up at her.

'I can't do it' he said.

'You can,' she corrected, 'you just don't know how'

'Teach me' he pleaded.

'Reach out with your mind, spread your consciousness around the room'

Harry nodded and tried to do so, he was surprised when he found he could feel a strange thing right in front of him. He closed his eyes and tried to see with his minds eye. His vision was a blur of grey accept for what looked like a tiny seed, which was a small light.

'You can feel the seed right? Now push it with your mind, upwards would be best'

Harry nodded, eyes still closed, and pushed. He watched in awe as the light grew into a full sized flower. He grinned and turned his head towards Grey in expectation of praise. However he forgot he was still looking through his minds eye, and was shocked with what he saw.

Grey's eyes were a piercing white in comparison to the rest of his vision. He couldn't see the rest of her, just her eyes, which were a startling difference to the usual dark brown. The eyes shone out at him, and he felt himself being drawn into them. Unable to stop himself, Harry's consciousness was pulled into her eyes, and his vision turned to black.


Harry awoke in a black room. He didn't know why it was all black, because it wasn't dark. Harry was eagle spread on his back, starring at the black ceiling. He felt groggy and needed more sleep, but he found it hard to go back to sleep when he didn't know where he was. Groaning, he rolled over to find himself face-to-face with a golden fox. It too was asleep, and Harry took extra care not to wake it. It could be dangerous.

Slowly, he left the fox and started to walk away. Where was he? How did he get here? And most importantly, how does he get out? After about five minutes of walking, he came across another fox. It too was sleeping, and was exactly identical to the last one, it was even in the same position. He had walked back to his original spot. Unsure how this was possible, Harry ignored it and turned in a random direction. The cycle continued for a while, him walking for five minutes, coming across the fox again, and picking a different direction.

After the tenth try, he sighed and lay down next to the fox. It rolled over and rested its head on his chest. Harry was too tired to be scared and relaxed into to the animal. It curled into his side much like a cat would, which he found comforting. He wrapped his arms around it and pulled it close like a giant teddy bear. Harry buried his head in it's soft fur, and felt safe enough to fall back asleep.


This time, it was not the ground waking Harry up, but the furry thing by his side. Feeling too awake to sleep again, Harry sat up and looked over to the fox, which was peering down at him. Harry stood up, pondering for a second. For the first time, he took in what he was wearing.

It was like a black wetsuit, covering his legs, feet, arms, torso and most of his neck. However, unlike a wetsuit, it also felt very thin and stuck to him like a second layer of skin. Plus it came with a pair of black combat boots which fit him perfectly. The clothes were neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, almost like they weren't there.

The fox caught his attention again when it stood on all fours, showing off the its now present nine golden tails. His amazement grew to awe when the fox then started to shine with a brilliant white light, so bright he had to look away. He turned back when the light dimmed, and was shocked to see Grey standing in the fox's place. She too was wearing the same clothes as Harry, but her suit was sleeveless. It showed her family tattoo on her right arm and the scar-like fox symbol on her left.

'What are you doing here?' Harry asked her.

'What are you doing here?' She countered, 'this is my mind after all'

'We're in your mind? Is that why you were a fox?'

'Thats just my power Harry' She smiled at him.

'Oh,' He said stupidly, "well how do we get out?'

'No clue' Grey shrugged, 'you brought us here'

'I did?'

'Yes, well done by the way, I didn't even know you had that power'

'Neither did I'

'You also didn't know you were an Incarnation of the Azure Dragon until yesterday though'

'Thats a fair point, Charlie didn't say anything about this'

'She doesn't explain everything. She likes to leave people confused'

'That's not very helpful'

'I have explained that to her many times, she doesn't seem to get it though. She just ruffles my hair and says 'one day you'll understand, kid"

'Sounds irritating'

'It is, I'm seven months older than her'

Their chat was cut short buy a door appearing to the left of them. They shared a look and wearily walked towards it. When they were a few paces from it, Grey held up a hand to stop Harry. She then reached forwards, and opened it.

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