12 - Tears

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12 - Tears

After the incident, mentoring was called off for Liam. Charlie, Drew and Cain all separated to their separate carriages. Liam was about to go after Cain in fury, but Artemis grabbed his arm.

'No, let them be. They need to be left alone with their thoughts for a while'

He nodded solemnly and sat on the sofa. Artemis walked into the kitchen carriage where Eleanor and Perrie were eating lunch, Niall came over and sat next to him.

'She'll be okay' he said, 'she's got you now'

'What do you mean?'

'You felt it didn't you, the Spark?'

Liam looked up at him in confusion.

'What is it?' He asked. Niall smiled at him.

'It means you're meant to be'

Liam chuckled at this.

'Meant to be? I met her a few days ago'

'The Spark is random Liam. I know you feel it, you're completely in love with her aren't you?'

Liam pondered this for a moment. It was true, he had felt a jolt of electricity when they had touched. That didn't mean he was in love though. But, now that he thought about it, there was a dull ache in his chest. He had thought it was just a mixture of pity and anger, but what if it was simply the pain of knowing that Charlie was not okay?

'How do you know about this anyway?' Liam asked.

'I was talking about it with Artemis, she's felt it with Rune'

'Awww' Liam said, he couldn't help it.

Niall got up, tapped Liam on the nose, and followed Artemis into the dining carriage. Liam frowned and stood. His thoughts strayed to Charlie again. He needed to see her.

Each of the carriages had a walkway on the outside of them, this was how they walked from carriage to carriage without interrupting anyone's business. Liam quickly strode past the first three carriages, where Harry, Zayn and Louis were practicing. They were under instructions not to interrupt for any reason. The fourth carriage was Drew and Ren's, Drew would be in there. The fifth was Cain and Charlie's, Charlie wouldn't be there. The last was Niall and Liam's, Liam cautiously opened the door.


Grey and Harry were still walking through the battlefield. As they walked, Grey explained where they were.

'It was Artemis' spirit quest. Her weakness was her heart, it was cold, empty. We were fighting against the nine sun birds. The legend of her Incarnation states that Houiy shot down all but one of the ten sun birds, as they were burning the land. Houiy left the last one as otherwise the earth would be left in darkness. The nine dead birds came back, and raised an army of the dead. We lead the Academy against the dead. It was horrible. The only way to stop a zombie is to take it's head off, otherwise they just keep coming. Artemis found her missing piece as the eighth bird fell. After Rune told her he loved her, she shot the ninth one straight in the eye'

Harry was speechless.

Eventually Grey found herself. The frozen Grey was in fox form, but with a few upgrades. This fox was the size of a car rather than a dog, it had ten tails instead of nine and they were on fire. The fox had jumped onto a zombies back and was biting his neck. It was a rather disturbing scene.

'This is where I lost my tenth tail' Grey said. She pointed to behind her frozen self, where another zombie was swinging a sword mid ark, about to strike the fox.

'I only just dodged a killing blow' she said

Harry gripped her hand tighter. The tenth tail had started to glow a bright white light. Grey leant forwards, and touched the tail. Once again, they were both engulfed in light. Harry closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, the scene had changed. They were now standing in a dark forest, a soft glow was coming from their left.

'No no no no' Grey said, backing away form the light. Harry peered at her through the night.

'Grey? What's wrong?'

Grey crouched to her knees and covered her head with her hands.

'I can't be back here! I don't want to! I don't-'

She was cut off by her own ragged breathing.

Harry moved over to Grey and sat next to her. He pulled her head into his chest and she curled against him, her fingers grabbing at his suit. He stroked her hair.

'Grey, it's okay. I'm here Grey, it's okay. I won't let anything happen to you'

Grey started shaking and tears poured down her cheeks. Harry hugged her tighter and wondered what kind of memory this was.


Charlie was on Liam's bed, wrapped up in his duvet. Liam stood over her for a minute before cautiously poking her shoulder. Charlie turned to face him, eyes red.


'Erm.. are you okay?'

'Evidently not'

'Yeah stupid question, anything I can do?'

'Rub my feet'

'Wouldn't you rather have a cuddle?'


'Some ice cream?'


'A teddy?'

'Fine, I'll take the first one'

Liam nodded and lay down next to her, he scooped her up into his large embrace. Charlie sighed and relaxed into him. Neither moved, they just listened to the sound of each others breathing. They stayed like that for a few minuets, before Charlie broke the silence.

'What's your deepest fear?'


'We know you Liam, your favourite colour, food, animal. But I don't know the real you, and I'm sure I want to'

Liam smiled into her hair.

'Being disliked. Being wrong. Being alone'

'Why would someone not like you?'

He sighed.

'I don't know, it's always been that way. Since I was little, I've been alone. That's why once this whole One Direction thing happened, I was so nice to everyone. I changed who I was to please them, I didn't give them a reason to not like me. And I know it was wrong, but I couldn't be alone anymore'

She snuggled into his chest and pulled him close.

'Liam Payne, you will never be alone again'

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