18 - D

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18 - D

Zayn had been slightly surprised when they walked through a wall. But he had come to accept whatever was thrown at him after the past few days. He wasn't that shocked, it made sense after all. A hidden entrance. When he had first stepped into the bright, white hall, he immediately started taking mental notes.

Firstly, everyone was wearing a suit. Or business clothes in general. It was all clean washed and very professional. However their hair was unkept and ruffled, and their nails chapped. They didn't buy the suits themselves, or even own them probably. They were too concerned on their work to take care of their hair or nails, let alone a fancy suit.

Secondly, people were rushing. Everyone had somewhere to be. There was no stopping to tie a shoe or check the time. There was another thing, they were all wearing watches, though they looked different to the ones the Family were sporting. They were a simple white like theirs, but each had an emblem that Zayn could have only defined from close up.

The next thing Zayn realised caused his eyes to widen slightly in surprise. Though there was a variety of different accents floating around, he saw very few dark-skinned faces. In fact, he only saw two others in the sea of about 50. He thought about it some more and realised that, out of all of the Incarnations he had met so far, he was the only one that was not white.

He questioned Perrie on this, she explained.
'Our Incarnations are all of Chinese origin, we all have Chinese ancestors, meaning white folk. After all of the past prejudice years, it was always more likely for a Chinese person to marry and conceive with a white person. As this was in the past, a long time ago, black or dark-skinned people were looked down on, and therefore the white Chinese people were less likely to pick one of them as their partner. That means that statistically, the Incarnations are more likely to be white. Obviously this isn't always the case'
Zayn nodded. That made sense. It was a bit racist, but that was the norm back then.

They trailed through the giant hall, white tile covered everything and was aluminised by huge bright ceiling lights. There was a large white globe in the centre, rotating slowly. Along the walls were several archways, leading off to different halls and supposedly rooms. People kept appearing out of the plain wall behind them. Zayn turned to Grey. They had met up with her and Harry minutes before finding the wall.

'This wall looked a lot smaller on the other side' he said.
'The wall simply acts as a portal to here, we're actually quite far below the city. There are multiple portals, and each Family are assigned a portal. We took the guest one as you guys aren't assigned yet'
Zayn nodded an okay and continued walking without another word.


Niall hadn't accepted the portal thing until he'd actually stepped through it. He'd nodded as Cain explained on the walk there but he didn't actually believe it. But here they were, in a huge room with a spinny globe thing and people everywhere.

Niall could only gape as Cain led him through the crowd, and into one of the hallways. The walls of the hall were littered with archways, but with nothing beyond them. Niall glanced up at Cain in confusion, but continued to follow him without question.

As they walked along the hallway, Niall noticed that the people were walking into the archways, and vanishing. They must be portals too. There was labels on top of the archways. He spotted 'The Jiāo'ào Family' and 'The Mìmì Family'.

Cain led them to the end of the hall, where there was a single arch labeled 'The Yīngyû Family'. They both stepped into it and reappeared in what seemed to be a living room. It looked like a normal house. A large living room equipped with sofas and a tv, there was a set of stairs that led to another floor of the house and one that led to the basement, rooms leading off to supposedly a kitchen and dining room, there was even windows with white light pouring through.

'This is our Family room' Cain explained. 'This is where our Family, The Yīngyû Family, lives. There is a living room, dining room, kitchen and study downstairs. Upstairs there's six bedrooms, each with an bathroom. Downstairs there are six practice rooms and a meeting room. That should be where the others are'

Cain led Niall down the stairs and into the basement. It was a hallway made of the same white tile from the entrance hall. To each side were three portal archways, with touchscreen computer panels next to them. At the end of the hall, there was another arch, labelled 'meeting room'. Cain and Niall stepped into it.

On the other side was a plain room with a long conference table in the centre. Seven chairs on each side and one at the head of the table. The seven chairs were occupied by the others, who had obviously arrived earlier. Either side of the chair at the end of the room were bodyguards, one male and one female, both in suits and wearing sunglasses. The Chinese woman sitting in the chair was smiling. She too was wearing a suit, and had her hair tightly pulled back in a ponytail. Her eyes were a bright, piercing blue.

Niall took in the faces of his companions as he sat down. Everyone accept the boys looked at ease, they had obviously met her before. Louis looked excited. Harry seemed cautious. Zayn looked like he wanted to ask questions. Liam was just plain staring at the female bodyguard, almost in confusion.

'Welcome' the woman spoke. Though she was obviously Chinese, she spoke with an English accent.
'My name is Dân, meaning brave. Though you may call me D. I am the head of The Academy. After learning to control your powers, you will be sent on various missions. Yes, you can still continue your singing career, but some of these missions will be life threatening. You may go back to your normal lives, but we must mind wipe you first. You will also have your powers nullified. Yes, we can do that. If any of you wish to opt out, speak now. There is no going back after this'

The room stayed silent. D smiled. She opened her mouth to speak again, but something had obviously clicked in Liam's brain. He stood up abruptly, and gaped at the female bodyguard.


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