Ch.5 the ultimate battle

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Gohan goes to work on a sweet Thursday night. The birds are singing, the elderly are crying and the air reeks of fucking target coupons. Its terrible there are buy one get one free coupons and indeed are there 100% off all items in the store. Gohan had to fight his way through the hords of fat, sweaty, greesy, old, wrinkly, discusting people. And Gohan can hear the loud heavy breathing of all of them. Gohan got tackled a few times but he got used to it. He then looks at the posters in the distance and they read "black friday sale." Gohan threw up his dinner. Gohan watches in horror as people die. He saw five woman ripping each other apart for a box of 75% off burger buns. He also saw as a mans face was ripped clean off by some other dude trying to grab 50% off skittles. Gohan needed to stay and fight or run for his life. As Gohan was thinking about this a sofa hits him knocking him to the floor. He looked up, he saw this digusting, greesy, fat middle age, black man with a my little pony t-shirt on saying "I love rainbow dash and so should you" all written in bright blue text with a picture of a pink pony in the background. Gohan was absolutely terrified as this man was trying to lunge at Gohan. Gohan side stepped the large man and grabbed some plums and threw them at him. Gohan thought it would be a good idea to go super saiyan 2. Gohan immediately turned super saiyan 2 and shot some ki blasts at the man they exploded on impact. The smoke cleared and the man was unfazed. The large man then creates ki blast from his belly button and shoots it at Gohan. Gohan tries to contemplate on his next move but then gets hit by the ki blast. The blast sends him into the board game section of the store and thought that this should give him distance from his opponent then he starts saying KA...ME...HA...Me as he was saying the last words he got hit by a special addition of monopoly. As Gohan was falling to the floor he thought how this man was faster than him. Gohan fell to the floor with a gash on his head. The large man looks at him and laughs "puny man you cant defeat me" but then this is where he was proved wrong as Gohan punches the man in the testicles and falls to the floor. Gohan gets up and flies in the air when he starts shouting KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!! But the large man had a trick up his sleeve as he starts shouting "Friendship is magic!!!" A rainbow ki wave came out of his bellybutton. The two ki waves collided. The two ki wave were evenly matched. Gohan starts talking shit on bronys and this made the large man sad. The large mans beam was weakend by Gohan badassery. Then Gohans wave puts a huge crater in the ground with ashes everywhere. Gohan was victorious. But he was so exhausted that he fell to the ground and passed out sleeping. Gohan dreamed about KFC for some reason. For this battle was won by him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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