I'm not ready.

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Maybe after all this time,

I've become accustom to being alone,

Maybe I've just lost the path to my home,

But perhaps I have my reasons,

I don't know what I want anymore,

I don't want to keep you waiting,

I don't want to start the war,

I've never been in this positing before,

Always been wanting more and more,

Maybe I loved him kept me safe,

it helped me bide my time, 

Live life at my own pace,

But now you're here and I just don't know,

I don't want to rush and leave you in woe,

I don't want to cause you the pain he caused me,

But someone who loves you?

At the moment that is someone I cannot be,

Don't hate me for this don't call me names,

Be assured, I've injured very the same pain,

Don't push me into something I don't need,

For maybe this, this is the new me,

I've built my walls so very high,

So that when one tries to climb them they fall and die.

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