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BTS has been always busy for the past 3 days but it doesnt affect Suga's mood. He has been working harder than he usually do  and the other members noticed a lot of changes about him.

While Suga is currently sleeping after their last stage for BOY IN LUV, the other Bangtan members talked about him.

JUNGKOOK: am i the only one who noticed that Suga-hyung smiles more often? and he always treat me ice cream after work.

JIMIN: we all noticed it except the ice cream thing! its unfair!

RAPMON: lower your voices before he wakes up ! its not the only thing i noticed about him. I caught him reading an english dictionary every night ! its really funny when i heard him practicing his pronunciations but after a few days, i was shocked of how good he speaks in english now.

V: he sometimes tells me stories about flying elephants! i wonder if he talked with them as much as I do.


RAPMON: *sighs* V ? are you hungry? I have chips on my bag. Go get it before i kick you!

*V nods and quickly hops going to where RM's bag was*

J-HOPE: oh! i also noticed him cleaning our dorm and his bed is not that messy like before. He even checked our closets and arranged them.

JIN: he did that??!that's why i got shocked when i opened my closet and surprised how well arranged it is. I wonder what will he do next. I'm pretty sure because I'm pretty that what makes him like that is because of LOVE~

RAPMON: I'm actually agreeing with you until you said you are pretty. *sighs* Im happy to see our Suga changed for good because of Love. Lets just hope he doesnt get hurt because when you feel the love, you will also feel the pain.

[a/n: #hugotpamoreRM ]

After finishing their schedules for today, BTS arrived at their dorm feeling exhausted. They washed themselves up and hop on their respective beds to rest. Jin was the last one who washed so he turns off all the lights while Rapmon locks the door and the windows. Then, they went to their bedroom and noticed that everyone was already fell asleep except Suga. He has his laptop on his lap and a book on his hand.

RAPMON: talk with her again? say hi for me to her .I'll sleep now. Dont stay up too late hyung.

Suga smiled and just nod at him feeling excited despite of all the tiredness from their work. He waited for her to answer his call while checking his face on the laptop's screen.

Then a lady who is eating a lollipop greeted her on screen.

(note: if it is in italized words then it means they were talking in english but if its in normal like this means Suga speaks in korean. got it? I want you to witness how good Suga speaks in english now even if its just only in a story.ㅋㅋㅋ)

SUGA: whats with the lollipop? are you trying to seduce me? hello chain-ssi. how's your day?

CHAIN: hello to you too Suga-ssi. Its been quite good 'cause my mom visited me here and we enjoyed our bonding time together. How 'bout you? you said that it was your last stage for boy in luv. Mind telling me what's your next album?

SUGA: im happy that you had a great time with your mom. I..think i c-cant tell you the next album because....we..are working on it and its not yet finished. look so pretty even just eating a lollipop. Oh before i forget, Rapmonster say hi but he is sleeping and snoring right now.

CHAIN: hahhaha its okay. You should sleep now also. Im still preparing my things for the flight tomorrow.

SUGA: flight? why ? i mean why? where are you going tomorrow?

Suddenly, on the other side, Chain stops on her doing which is folding a few clothes and socks. She laughed by herself making the boy on her screen confused on her action. They were talking for almost a week but she forgot to tell him about it.

Back to the other side, Suga got more confused why Chain stops and suddenly laugh. But her laugh is like a music on his ears. His spacing out stops when he heard her talk again.

CHAIN: Suga-ssi, i guess we will be meeting tomorrow. Im going to where you are! i mean South Korea haha. See you!

Then she hangs up leaving Suga on his shocked condition after hearing the good news from her. He will be seeing her tomorrow ! and his feels cant wait !

The morning sun wakes up the Bangtan boys who are now ready for another tiring but a day full of fun! As they reach the kitchen and the dining area, everyone begin to chant prayers and calling their gods because this was beyond their imaginations. Seeing SUGA woke up earlier than any of them plus wearing an apron and a spatula on his hand while preparing a mouth-watering feast on their table and dont forget the 200% mischievous smile on his face.

"come, my brothers, dont starve yourselves anymore 'cause Suga-hyung prepared a lot of food for you"

is this the end of the world??


i really laugh so hard while typing this!
hope you enjoy and please vote ! i really appreciate it

and please check out my new fanfic BANG PD-NIMS DAUGHTER!


LOVE...keep in touch! [BTS FF]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora