A Love for Flight

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It was a cold in the ocean depths, especially in the Artic. However such a place was a paradise to the reclusive legendary known as Lugia as it swam through the frigid oceans. To the other legendary Pokémon, Lugia was considered a homely nerd. No matter how many times it was invited to a meeting or even a little get together, it was never went. It just never found any real reason to go out of it's way to have fun.

That all changed however, when one night a beautiful aurora appeared in the sky. Lugia decided to admire the aurora as it hadn't been in the Arctic in a long time. When the sea guardian poked it's head out from underwater, it noticed something was shooting into the sky. It seemed like streams of fire and electricity, powerful ones at that were being blasted at something. Lugia flew out of the water immediately to see what was going on. Pokémon trainers were not allowed in the Artic, it was far too dangerous for them and the surrounding Piplup species that were endangered. When Lugia flew to the location of the blasts, it saw multiple people, wearing thick black coats with their Arcainines and Electivires firing Thunderbolts and Fire Blasts at what appeared to be the legendary Pokémon of ice, Articuno

 When Lugia flew to the location of the blasts, it saw multiple people, wearing thick black coats with their Arcainines and Electivires firing Thunderbolts and Fire Blasts at what appeared to be the legendary Pokémon of ice, Articuno

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The people were trying their utmost hardest to knock down the legendary but to avail. That is, until a beam of pure yellow energy was fired, hitting the legendary directly on it's head. The beam was so powerful, it knocked Articuno out in one hit, causing it to fall straight on to the frigid ice. Lugia was horrified, it wondered how humans could of been so cruel. It then say who did it. It was a very young girl, possibly ten to twelve years old with red hair. She was wearing a long black wool jacket and a pair of expensive looking brown jeans. What seemed odd was that this young girl possessed a Lopunny that was in it's Mega State, however the Mega Stone was not present at all. The young girl snapped her fingers and had the others throw a net over Articuno and drag it away.

Not wanting to stand by, Lugia swooped in, enveloping itself in a light blue draconic aura. It was using Dragon Rush! It aimed straight for the girl, however it got blind sighted by a powerful Shadow Ball.  Lugia took a while to recover from the blast, only to see that it got hit by a Dusknoir who held what appeared to be a book in it's hand. Behind the Dusknoir was a young boy with rather semi spiky hair, one yellow and one red eye and was wearing a dark blue jacket, with beaten up jeans and combat boots. Lugia got up and used Ancient Power, but the girl from before had her Lopunny use Protect to shield Dusknoir, who seemed rather calm. Dusknoir then placed out one hand and unleashed a massive wave of dark energy. Lugia looked banged up from that one shot as it was Psychic type and the blast might of been Dark Pulse.

"So Rook, what do we do about this Lugia?" the girl asked, the boy rather giddily

"Let's just leave, the old hag wants Articuno and Lugia would be too much weight" the boy replied, he seemed rather lazy

The girl nodded her head in agreement and the two walked off. However Lugia didn't seem to be over with the battle as it flew into the air, flapping it's massive and mighty wings. The boy stopped and he looked annoyed. The Dusknoir looked behind it and frowned.

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