Black Ice Love

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It was a cold and frightening night. A night of thunder and heavy rainfall was what forced many trainers indoors. One trainer by the name of Rook Geon stayed inside a Pokemon Center for the night. Nights like these were his favorite, especially for his Pokemon. While most of his Pokemon slept in their Pokeballs, one Pokemon by the name of Dusknoir was in a room, found in a different dimension it could create. It spent the night there as the heavy rainfall was causing weird dreams. What weird dreams you might ask? Well for the last ten weeks, whenever Dusknoir was around water, ice cream or anything that looked or resembled those two, it would shiver and drool. Whenever it was alone, it would for some reason have it's usual Bible of Giratina but it would always be dripping some kind of grey gooey liquid.

For Dusknoir's own good and to prevent Rook from losing his temper from always having to buy a new bible for Dusknoir which costs $10.99, Dusknoir would have to remain away from all things distracting, including rain. When it was finally morning, Rook woke up in a hurry. Dusknoir woke up as well and exited it's dimension. Rook's brother, an Ursaring was still in bed which forced Rook to have to drench it in cold water to wake it up. After doing the usual morning routine people do, Rook left the Pokemon Center to continue his journey. By his side stood Ursaring but nowadays, Dusknoir had been out of it's Pokeball. The young trainer traveled through a thick green forest till he came across an open field. He decided to camp there for a while until a bunch of other trainers came by and saw him.

As per custom with Pokemon trainers, the moment they see each other "BAM" they must battle. However these battles were nothing but simple excercises for Rook and his team. He demolished the group of trainers and continued to travel through the field. Whilst walking ever so slowly, the trainer began to feel a chill. The atmosphere was getting colder and colder even though it was sunny. Whilst Rook rubbed his arm for warmth, Dusknoir began to shake. He grabbed his trainer by his arms and began to speed away. Rook could of seen the sweat pouring down Dusknoir's face. After running for what seemed like hours, Rook, Ursaring and Dusknoir found themselves in a dark part of a forest. Dusknoir began to take deep breaths to calm down as Rook sat on a tree stump. Just then, a shadow appeared behind Dusknoir and grabbed at him.

The Dusknoir let out a yelp and scurried behind it's trainer as Rook rolled his eyes. Focusing on the shadow, he saw that it was a Froslass. Dusknoir was at a lost for words, words it might of had if it could speak English. The Froslass giggled a little as it approached the Dusknoir. The shy Dusknoir began to blush as Froslass gestured it to lower it's head to meet the little Pokemon's level. When Dusknoir did so, Froslass yelled in it's ear. While Rook was unfazed, it might of damaged the eardrums of a lot of nearby Pokemon. Rook then spent the next half hour with Ursaring watching Froslass yelling at Dusknoir. It got late so Rook decided to set up camp. He released his Pokemon from their Pokeballs and had each of them go collect fire wood while he pitched the tents. Froslass decided to help out while Dusknoir followed her.

After a while it became night and the Pokemon managed to collect more than enough firewood. Dusknoir snuck off from the camp to go into the deeper parts of the forest. He opened his new bible and began to read. Whilst in the middle of reading, Froslass snuck up on it and gave it a jumpscare. The Dusknoir yelped like a little girl and had to breathe slowly to calm himself down. The Froslass found itself laughing as Dusknoir was embarrassed. The two sat down and watched the stars together. While beautiful stars lit up the night sky, Froslass asked Dusknoir why it left without saying goodbye. Dusknoir began to sweat profusely. How could it tell Froslass that the reason it left without saying goodbye was because it's trainer had to kidnap, capture and contain a Legendary against it's will. It then got a bright idea, it's going to LIE to the Pokemon it loves. Yeah because that's a brilliant idea....

Anyway, Dusknoir told Froslass that it's trainer had an urgent job and it needed it's help. It sat there, hoping Froslass would believe it, hoping that it wont be original and say that the story is cliché  and hard to believe. Luckily Froslass did believe the story. Soon Rook called out to Froslass and Dusknoir and the two headed back to the campsite. While there, Froslass interacted with the rest of Rook's Pokemon who all seemed happy to see it. Tyrantrum, one of Rook's older Pokemon tried to flirt with Froslass which kind of made Dusknoir uncomfortable. Thinking that Dusknoir had no issue with it, all of Rook's Pokemon began to flirt with Froslass. Dusknoir wanted to say something but it realized that it had to keep up appearances. It was one of Rook's most ruthless Pokemon. Just then Ursaring put it's arm around Froslass and Dusknoir couldn't take it anymore. However Rook stepped in and broke the two up. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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