Yeh Adhuri Si Kahani Humari part 28

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evryone give standing ovation to manan, they go inside the green room when fab 4 nd navya,arya nd aki bumped into nd had a group hug .!

Aki: bhai nd nandu u guys are awesome together

Cabir: choti what r u saying nandu nd manik together it is impossible nd btw did u mean they shuld be into relationship

nandu blushed on cabir's statement nd manik hit him.! back at the stage the host came

Host: ok so guys that was an amazing performance by manik nd nandini.! moving on to the results whom u think are the winners it was tough competition for fab 5 this tym..!
Crowd: fab 5 winners

Host: ok the runner ups are.....!!! FAB 5

green room

Muku: wtf we are runners nd judges don't knw how to judge nd i think some one paid them

Cabir: lady bheem stop nd let's see who are the winners then we can decide

Manik: but how can we loose

Host: shocked ryt i am also shocked anyways moving on to the winners it is.... NA2

Green room

Aki is jumping high nd shouting on top of her voice we won guys we won she so happy seeing her happy manik also felt happy not only manik but evryone felt happy

Aki: bhai i won can u belive it nd u guys lost. :(

Cabir: choti we won na

Aki: how.?
Cabir: see the trophy is with us only look u won or we won finally trophy is our hands only nd muku no one paid

Muku: yes nd aki for this we need party

Nandu: guys

Alya: don't say that u r not comming to the party u won after all

Nandu: woh actually na

just then host comes back to stage to tell the winners of duo round.!

Host: so guys i'm back with results of duo round but they are only winners no runner ups..! whom u think as winners

Crowd: Manik nd Nandini

Host: for the first time u r ryt guys i would like to welcome mank nd nandini to come nd take there award nd NA2 also

manik nd nandini went on to the stage first nd took their award one of judges was giving nd he kept his on nandini's waist she felt little uncomfortable was noticed by manik so he grabbed that judge's hand nd removed it from her waist.! nandu smiled at this then NA2 came nd took the award nandu gave that award to aki they all lifted together and clicked some selfies.! they went back to the green to bring their belongings

Alya: so party at my house.!

Nandu: guys i cant come as i have flight tmrw mrng

Navya: what u din't tell us
Nandu: karan called me today mrng
Arya: acha ok

Aki: nandu plz come only for few minutes plz

Nandu: aki but

Manik: when some one is pleading u lyk that u can't refuse nd she saying na only for few mins

Nandu: ok i'll tell chachi to pack my bags

she went away frm there nd called chachi

On phone
Nandu: chachi we won
Chachi: arey wah congrats nandu so come home fast
Nandu: actually chachi woh

Yeh Adhuri si Zindagi Humari..! (#watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now