Yeh adhuri si zindagi hunari-47

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Nandini reached nd went to her room, her baby followed her but she was not in mood to play with her.. Her baby ( guys I forgot the dog's name nd I can't ask Sindhu 😉) went out she locked the room nd fell on her bed thinking abt yesterday's incidents tears were rolling down her cheeks 😢
Just then her phone rang
On phone
Nandu : Kya Manik u disturbed my sleep
Manik : stop lying Nandini I knw u better than urself u might be thinking abt yesterday's incidents nd crying
Nandu: how do u knw
Manik : I am monster so he knws evrything
Nandu : I thought u were my Manik but I was wrong can u plz tell where did Manik go
Manik : he is resting
Nandu : nd what are u doing with his phone
Manik : standing out side ur room
She got up nd checked the door but no one was there
Manik : Oye stop checking me at the door I am standing near ur balcony door
She turned nd saw, ran to him hugged him , he lifted her nd rotated her after few minutes of their hug she spoke with out breaking the hug
Nandu : Manik u just met with an accident nd y did u come through the balcony u can come through the main door na
Manik : arey yaar I just want to knw how it feels sneaking it into ur wife's room
Nandu : wife ? Y did u do this stunt huh I am not talking to u 😒
Manik : y u don't want to marry me aur Han my mom nd ur mom made this decision before ur birth only so I am ur husband since then it is just time gap nd that is it u won't talk to me I knw my ways
He leaned towards her lips nd kissed her she was not responding, though she was falling weak infront of him but she did not respond, he stopped kissing her but he did not take his lips from her, she started kissing him nd this turned into a passionate one, until they heard the door flung open, the broke the kiss nd saw the ppl who did Manik was giving death glare nd Nandini hid her face in Manik's chest due to shyness
Cabir & Navya : arey sry sry 🙈🙈
Manik : u guys don't have manners that u shuld knock the door before coming inside some one's room idiots, I knw that Cabir does not have any shame but Navya u shuld have some shame on u na
Navya : actually I have but I never knock nd come into Nandu's room I got habituated like that nd btw this my bestie room nd I can come when ever I want nd who r u to tell nd while doing all this u shuld lock the doors Han bolo bolo aur yeh choro Ki Taraha Nandu ke room mein Kya kar rahe Ho,
Manik : woh woh
Cabir : Bol na
Navya : tum chup raho
Manik : woh na
Lala : Navya beta
Navya : Han kaka
Lala : Anil babu is calling aur Nandu beta tum bhi
Nandu : Han
Navya : chalo aur plz leave her at least for few mins
Manik: what ever
All of them went down, Navya's mom was also there both Nandu nd Navya hugged her
Navya : dad u called us
Anil : Han Navya
Navya's mom : first listen to us carefully then u talk until keep ur mouth shut like this 🤐
Anil : Navya u got an alliance, nd I want u to marry him, I want u to get out of ur past so plz
Navya : dad
Rajana (Navya's mom name) : beta they belong to a good family they will take care of u
Anil : u just say yes, u can marry after ur studies get completed
Navya : I will marry but I need time to say yes so plz give me that time at least
Rajana : Han sure beta
Navya went in, Cabir was showing happiness but went inside his room nd locked it.. Mixed emotions were going inside their heart.!
Nandu: best friend
Anil : u dont talk to me
Nandu : kyun
Anil : u tell evrything to ur best friend but u hid this from me 😞
Nandu : bestie
Anil : u did not tell me ur feelings towards Manik, Katti 😛
Nandu :arey bestie when I wanted to tell u, u went away nd now u blaming me
Anil : acha
Nandu : plz say no to this alliance nd I don't want Navya to get married at this age plz
Anil : but
Nandu : plz plz 🙏🙏
Anil : I will see
In hospital
A women is going towards 302 hiding her face in scarf. She was hiding behind the pillar after Amms went out she went in..
Vanshika : tum kohn Ho!
She removed her scarf.! ( u guys knw me well ok fine Sindhu wrote in last chaps precap now u knw na )
Nyo : mein, I am ur husband's second wife
Vanshika : what r u doing here just leave my room
Nyo : please listen to me, he married only on my dad's force Coz he has taken debit from my dad nd if he did not pay he had to marry nd hence it happened I was never happy with it nd I loved some one else, he left me in the middle after I became pregnant of his child, Vivek got to knw this nd he started to black mail me, so I said I will kidnap ur son, he threaten me but still I kidnapped Manik nd kept him safe he thought it was me nd hit later he got to knw nd was guilty of his act but Manik nd Nandu did the write in arresting him, Coz he selled me for his gambling, hence I left aki when she was 6 months old nd left her this made Manik evn more hate me, to keep distance from them I started to become mean to them nd i succeed in it. I knw how I miss my daughter 😢
Vanshika : that was mean of him u don't worry I will talk to Manik
Nyo : no plz don't do that, anyways I transferred all the property on Manik nd Aki's name 😊
Vanshika : but
Nyo : now I need to go bye! Nd take care of ur health.
She wore her scarf nd left from there.

Precap : surprise 🎁🙊

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