Yeh adhuri si zindagi humari-49

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Rajana: I will call pandit ji then nd fix ur engagement tmrw
Cabir's mom : tmrw? I mean we have to do the preparations nd buy rings aur we have invite ppl
Nandu : aunty we r there na, nd the guests thing, if ennagement will be silent affair then wedding will be talk of town so it is better
Cabir's mom : okay beta as u say
Amms : so take rest for a while, afterwards we can discuss abt ennagement
Evryone agreed, elders went to their room, nd the rest settled down on the sofa nd bean bags..
Cabir nd Navya in the middle,Abhi,muku on the sides Alya nd Dhruv On the bean bags, Nandu,rish sat down Manik just beside Nandu on a stool,aki nd aryaman on the side chairs
Muku : so Madhubala ji how are u feeling abt ur engagement..!
Navya : I don't knw maybe I am not ready means I don't knw. 🙄
Manik : Navya chill it is just engagement
Nandu : Manik it is not that easy for a girl to chill just before her d-day
Muku : anyways leave all that,Manik so on whose side u are
Cabir : obliviously the boys side right Manik
Manik : ur wrong I am from Navya's side
Navya looks at him in shock 😳
Cabir : Saale mein tera dost hun ya woh
Manik : tu mera dost aur woh Meri behan.!
Cabir : tu baat mat kar mujshe harmkor
Evryone laughed at Cabir statement 😂
Nandu : guys lets us make list for tmrw nd give it to Amms
Muku : Han better idea
Evryone were preparing the list but Aki was lost in her world Cabir noticed this
Cabir : Chotti u r on my side na
Aki does not listen, nd still in her thoughts.. Manik got up nd slightly shook her making her coming back to her senses
Aki: no plz don't touch me,stay away from me
nd she hugged Manik nd started to cry. 😭 Cabir went near her
Cabir : Chotti did anyone say anything
She hugged Manik more tightly
Manik : baby what happened
Muku : tell us I will screw them
Aki went to her room crying leaving evryone in confused state, aryaman was cruising himself nd Navya noticed it
Navya : Aru we need to talk
Nandu : Navya u calling him Aru that is strange..!
Navya : we cthree need to talk nd guys plz do not follow us nd listen to our talks..!
Aryaman nd Nandu followed Navya to Nandu's room,Navya locked the door three were facing each other..!
Navya slapped aryaman, Nandu was startled by the sudden reaction of Navya but aryaman stayed quiet he knew y she had did it
Nandu : Navya a
Navya : ✋🏻 Nandu u will get ur answers just wait a min, aryaman can u just speak up
Aryaman : woh I kissed Aki nd I confessed my feelings towards her nd from that day she is behaving
Navya : strange with u right.!
Nandu : what u kissed her, wait how can u kiss a girl like that u knw how Aki is abt these things she went through a bad phase nd...
Aki's room.
Manik : baby did anyone tell u anything
Cabir : Chotti tell na
Aki nodded her head in a no..!
Manik : baby we r friends na so tell me, as u say friends don't keep secrets
Aki looked at Manik nd told him evrything, Cabir nd Manik's possessive mode was on, they went to Nandu's room nd were continuously banging the door nandu opened the door, Manik nd Cabir moved towards Aryaman nd caught hold of his collar..!
Navya : leave him Manik
Cabir : u stay of this Navya
Navya : Cabir nd Manik I said leave him
Nandu came nd pushed Manik..!
Nandu : have u gone mad what r u doing
Manik : how dare he to touch my sister u bl...
Nandu : Manik just shut up nd come with me
She took him into another room..! Nd locked the room
Manik : what the hell Nandu
Nandu : Manik what are u doing over there
Manik : how dare he touch my sister
Nandu : u don't have that right
Manik : why I don't have.! Aki is my sister nd I won't spare anyone who comes near my sister
Nandu : then Abhi bhai nd rish shuld not spare u
Manik : what do u mean
Nandu : if u are possessive abt ur sister then my brothers are also possessive abt me, nd they shuld kill for the way u touched me,
Manik was numb, he started to register Nandu's words
Nandu : Manik speak up, shuld I tell bhai, that u kiss when ever u feel like nd sneak into my room like thief nd..
Manik kept his hand on her mouth nd they had an eyelock
Manik : ssh, if u tell all these secrets it won't be good nd I won't do anything to aryaman, as u knw my anger
Nandu removed his hand from her mouth
Nandu : ur anger can lead to problem nd I hate..
Before she could complete he kissed her...!! Nd Nandu was not responding, but slowly started to respond, it was abt to turn into passionate one but some one knocked the door,(guess who, u r guesses are wrong it is not Cabir ),
Nandu opened the door , it was Amms standing at the door with Vanshika
Nandu : Amms
Amms : Nandu tum aur Manik Kya kar rahe Ho 😉
Nandu : kuch Nahi
Vanshika : Sachi
Manik : Muchi, aur ma u go nd take rest nd Nandini go nd get that list from muku, we can go to shopping nd buy rings, excuse me ladies
Saying this he left, Vanshika was seeing both of them nd smiles
Vanshika : wish Anu was here also 😢
Nandu : aunty ma is here only, she is always with us..!!
Nandu left nd went to muku nd brought the list nd showed it to Amms, she agreed to it nd evryone left for shopping Cabir nd Navya went for ring shopping, girls went for dress nd jewellery shopping, boys went for decoration shopping..! All came back home exhausted..! 🙄 they were abt to go to sleep but Amms stopped them nd fed them with her hands, muku nd Alya got tears 😢 after eating all went to their rooms but Nandu nd rish went to terrace nd were watching premam (this movie is my fav 😍)
Rish : Di I am going, I am greeting sleep
Nandu : get my coffee
Manik brought her coffee nd kept it aside
Manik : hey
Nd was busy watching movie, he got a bit pissed of...
Manik : Nandu
Nandu : Manik u wait, nd let me see this movie, look how Nivin is.. He is my crush..
Manik was getting pissed of, but was silent..! Nandu started to jump
Manik : now what
Nandu : Malar entrance
Manik : who Malar
Nandu : wait
The scene was
Gorge was ragging two girls nd Koya calls a boy.. After a while Koya calls Malar miss.. Nd they
Malar : unga pera
Manik : what did is she saying
Nandu : ur name in Tamil
Manik : oh
The movie continued, Manik was giving wet kisses to her nd she was not paying attention, but she moved from him, when it was Malar dance performance, Manik was shocked seeing a Malar dance like that 😳
Manik : that is awesome, I just love her yaar
Nandu : u love Malar nd i love Nivin 😬😬
Manik : what u said u love ?
Nandu : I love Nivin 😍
Manik : how can u love him
Nandu : Coz he is my crush, look at his beard it is so awesome 😍😘
Manik : enough tmrw u need to get up early as it is Navya's engagement
Nandu : my boyfriend looks cute when he is jealous
Manik : first thing I am not jealous nd second thing I am not cute
Nandu : aww
Pulled his cheeks nd went away.! Nandu got up late in the morning as she slept late, by the time she woke up half of decorations were done, she went towards kitchen nd helped Amms with cooking..! Evryone were busy in engagement preparations..! The setup stage in the lawn, evrything was perfect..! It was a combo of pink nd White..!
Nandu : perfect
Muku : yes
Alya : so let's get ready, first let us make the bride ready
Cabir : Han Han
Manik : Abey Kya Han tu chal Humarae Sath
Girls took Navya nd boys took Cabir..!

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