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You’re pregnant.

Those two words had been circling throughout my brain for the last two days, ever since I’d gone to the doctor’s.

You’re pregnant.

Currently I was lying in bed, watching a few reruns of old football matches. Loki, Liam and I’s dog, was lying next to me.


Oh shit, what would he think?

He’d probably be disgusted. What kind of man can have children? A nagging, little voice whispered in my head.

Liam would be disgusted. He’d be repulsed and would dump me on the spot.

He promised he wouldn’t.

But he will.

So the next couple of days was spent packing my things and finding a place to stay far away.

A day before Liam was supposed to return home from tour, I left our home with nothing but a note to apologize for my disappearance.


₳ Third Person POV ₳

The click of a lock secured an empty house, no inhabitants except the Golden Retriever sat by the door, waiting patiently for one of his owners to return home.

That night was very lonely for the dog.

The next morning, the click of a lock was heard and someone entered, someone the dog recognized.

The person searched for the other human inhabitant, but found nothing that ever said someone else was here.

Heartbroken, the person cried as they trudged to their room, only to find a sheet of paper lying in the middle of the bed, smooth and neatly written upon, words explaining where the other inhabitant had disappeared off to. Well, at least why they disappeared to off to wherever they went.

That night was lonely for both dog and human.

The next few months were spent in tears and slight depressed moments, but eventually the person got better and soon was back to where he had been before the other inhabitant.

Alone, but at least happy.

But now with a bigger hole in their heart.



I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry that I have to leave, but I’m doing it for reasons you won’t understand.

I wish I could stay, but even if I did you’d be disgusted and repulsed by me, I know you would. Honestly, I’m almost disgusted in myself.

No, I didn’t cheat on you, that would never happen. Not in a million years. I don’t even think I’ll be able to look at another person like that, not after you.

God, I’m going to miss you so much.

I’m going to miss your laugh, your smiles and your voice. I’m going to miss the way you hold me in your arms at night and your love for Toy Story. I’m going to miss everything about you, from your kisses to your singing.

Just know that I’ll always love you.

There’s no other person for me than you, know that I won’t be able to think about anyone but you.

But I can’t stay. Not when I know you won’t accept what has happened.

I’m sorry, babe, but I want you to keep going and stay strong for me. I don’t ever want to see you like that. It would break my heart.

I love you, cowboy.



Does anyone else have any feels? That note kinda just… wow.

Listening to Give Me Love by Ed isn’t helping much, either. I’m just glad Small Bump or Little Bird isn’t on. Then the water works would start.

But do you guys like the idea of this? I’m not quite sure how you guys would like this.

P.S. I’m not going to describe the nine months of Zayn… well… pregnant. I don’t really like MPreg stories like that, they’re easier for me when the child is already born. IDK why but I don’t like hearing about mood swings or whatnot- maybe because my sister in law’s pregnant- but whatevs.



Another mind
Another soul
Another body to grow old
It’s not complicated

Small Bump (Ziam One Direction)[MPreg]{ON HOLD}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя