Chapter Two- The Mall

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Chapter Two- The Mall

“Daddy! Look what Uncle Ni and I drew!” Autumn came running into the kitchen, a piece of paper in her hands while Niall darted after her, trying to keep her from running.

“It’s beautiful, honey. What did I say about running in the house, though?” I asked, crouching down to her level after I put my coffee cup down.

“Not to because I could get hurt.” Autumn said shyly, a small smile on her face.

“Alright. How about I hang this on the fridge while you go wake Uncle Harry for me, okay?”

“Okay Daddy!” Autumn agreed, handing me the picture before doing a fast-walk back down the hall.

“Is this how all your mornings are?” Niall asked breathlessly- Autumn does run fast and it was a long hallway.

“No, usually I’m in there with her and we don’t often have a lot of people over to wake up. She’ll be bored of it by tomorrow, she can only be excited for so long.”

“Aye.” Niall said simply, going over to the fridge and rummaging through it, finally coming back out with one of Autumn’s Jell-O packs.

“She’ll get you on those.” I warned, as Autumn and Harry came walking- Harry stumbling and Autumn tugging on his hand, actually- down the hall and into the kitchen.

“Uncle Harry’s up, Daddy!” Autumn said proudly, making her way over to Niall, only for her to see the Jell-O pack in his hand.

“Uncle Niall!” Autumn said indignantly, a frown on her face. “You have to ask to have a Jell-O pack!” Harry stifled a laugh, having gone through this with her. It was my fault, really, I had her asking to have something- whatever it may be- and when someone had something and didn’t ask for it, she went a little diva. I blame Louis.

“Oh, sorry, can I have one?” Niall asked. Harry snickered.

“Not me! Daddy!” Again, guilty party.

“Well, Daddy,” Niall stressed the word sarcastically, probably mentally cursing me- Autumn had gotten onto him earlier this morning for saying fuck off when she woke him up. “Can I have a Jell-O pack?”

“Yes, Niall.” I told him while Harry burst out laughing. Autumn grinned, before walking over to me and leaning against my legs. She did that sometimes when I was standing up and either couldn’t or wouldn’t hold her. Most of the time it was couldn’t.

“Can I have some water, Uncle Ni?” Autumn asked, walking back over to him. Anything that they ate, they had to ask me but whenever she wanted something she’d ask anyone, at least, all the people she knew.

“Daddy,” Autumn said from her spot in Harry’s lap. We were in the living room- which had temporarily been converted to a drawing room- and Harry was sitting on the ground by the table with Autumn in his lap.

“Autumn,” I replied in the same tone, shading in her hair- I’d chosen to sketch the room, more specifically Autumn, and I was pretty proud of it, if I do say so myself.

“Is Mammie or Baba going to visit soon?” She asked, glancing up at me before grabbing a yellow marker.

“How about I go give Mammie a call and see when she can visit next?” Autumn nodded happily and I stood up, going over to the house phone and dialing my mother’s number, watching a few birds dart around outside.

Zayn? Is everything alright?

“Everything’s fine, Mum, Autumn just really wants to see you and Dad.”

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