Chapter Five- Counting Stars

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Chapter Five- Counting Stars

“Woah,” Autumn said quietly, gazing at the sight in front of her.

“You like it?”

“I love it!” She squealed, literally jumping from my lap to Harry’s and squeezing him tightly around his neck.

Harry had gone out and gotten Autumn a guitar, perfect for her size and was most likely her new favorite item.

Autumn then left Harry’s lap in favor of Niall’s, puppy-dog eyes on full display as she asked him to teach her. He agreed with a laugh and the next thing he knew, Autumn was sitting beside him with her guitar in her lap, looking at him expectantly.

Harry and I snuck off to the kitchen while Niall taught Autumn the first few basic chords- whatever that meant- and sat at the island, talking about anything and everything.

Including Liam and Sophie.

“She’s a bitch.” Harry deadpanned, banging his head against the counter. “She threw a damn tantrum because Liam wouldn’t go to the jewelry store with her.”

“Does she even know he’s gay?”

“Yes, but she’s persistent to ‘make him straight again’. Plus she said a couple things about you so I now have a double reason to hate her.”

I rolled my eyes. “Harry, the other day before my parents left Louis sat down to ask me why you- and Autumn- were ignoring him.”

“I know. He talked to me.”

“And what exactly did you say, Mr. Styles?” Harry threw me a lop-sided grin but it quickly faded.

“Nothing. I just told him that nothing was wrong.”

“Harry! Seriously? Do I need to lock you two in a closet for a hour- or more- and then let you out?”

“A closet? Really?”

“Yeah, I need you two to come out of the closet.” Harry rolled his eyes before throwing me a grin.

“I wish.”

“Don’t tempt me.” Harry snorted and moved over to the tea kettle, turning on the stove and setting it over a burner.

“Now, when are you telling Liam?” He asked, glancing back at me.

I sighed. “Soon. Tomorrow, if anything.” Harry whipped around, nearly knocking the tea kettle over.


“How well would that go if I just suddenly showed up with Autumn the last day you guys are here versus letting them spend time together?”

Harry shook his head, a small smile on his face that soon turned into a large grin.

“At least Liam will stop fretting over where you are, even though he knows you haven’t disappeared from the face of the earth.”

Sounds exactly like Liam.


“Daddy! Can Uncle Niall teach me more about my guitar?” Autumn asked, running into the kitchen and looking up expectantly at me.

“Maybe later, honey. Right now we’re going out to meet someone very special.”

Autumn cocked her head, her brows furrowed in confusion.


“You’ll see when we get there. For now, go tell your Uncles bye and get your shoes, okay?” Autumn nodded before running back out of the kitchen.

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