Longing (Fluff)

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"Nanami, are you serious?!" Hinata shouted. She sighed irritably. "Yes, you're not coming out of this room until you make up with Komaeda."

He groaned as she shut the door leaving him with the albino. His eyes locked onto the albino who had his arms crossed. The atmosphere around them was tense, awkward.

This would have been a dream come true for him seeing as how he did have a crush on Komaeda...but right now wasn't the best time. After all he had been fighting with the albino nowadays.

"Hinata?" The albino asked cutting through the silence.

"What." He spat. He visibly noticed Komaeda flinch. He didn't mean to spit out the words.

"Uh, have I done something to upset you?" He asked timidly. The brunette rolled his eyes sneering. 

Komaeda shifted his weight, holding onto his arm tightly. "Hinata...if I did do something, I'm sorry. I never intended to upset you if I have. Will you say something?"

He turned farther away from him.

Komaeda sighed and pulled his sleeve down. "Hinata please...I'm sorry." He sounded desperate, voice wavering.

Hinata turned to him slightly, almost crumbling in the sight before him. The albino had tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he hugged himself tightly.


"I'm sorry Hinata. I know I'm worthless scum and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but..."

"Ko, stop. You're not worthless. You aren't scum. You're a human being just like me. Nothing about you is different from me."

"You're wrong Hinata. I'm not the same as you. I'll never be the same as you. I'm not an equal and I never will be."

Hinata walked to him, grabbing his arms. "No! You are equal! You're just as important as me! You're not worthless! You are so worth it Komaeda. Why can't you understand this?!"

The albino's face scrunched up as he let out a choked sob. Hinata's gaze softened, and he pulled the other into a hug. "Komaeda, I should be the one who's sorry. I keep making stupid arguments about nothing. I'm the one who's hurting you aren't I?" His hand moved to the albino's sleeve. "I know...about what you do. It's my fault for pushing you over the edge isn't it?"

Is it too late for us?

"Hinata." Komaeda grabbed his chin, tilting it up slightly. "The reason why I hurt myself has nothing to do with us fighting. None of it has to do with you. You're the only thing keeping me going other than hope. Don't blame yourself please?"

"But...I" He trailed off.

The albino smiled. "Hey stop that. It's okay Hinata. Nothing is your fault, understand? I love you too much to hurt you."

"Komaeda..." The two leaned in, lips meeting together. They both wanted this. They had wanted it for so long.

Komaeda was like a drug to Hinata. His attention, his affection, his overall endearment. He loved it. He loved it so much.

"I love you." The two breathed out simultaneously making them both chuckle. "You know, I've waited a long time for that." The brunette told him wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning closer to him.

"Really? I've wanted it since I first met you."

Empathy ; Komahina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now