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Part 4 of 5
Hajime sat on the edge of the tree house, blankly staring out at the pond. His phone had been blown up with text messages and missed phone calls from his friends, so it had eventually died. Not that he cared though. He didn't want to be found. 

Bittersweet memories replayed in his mind over and over, making him rock back and forth. To say he missed Nagito was an understatement at best. He couldn't focus without him. It was like Nagito had been his anchor, and now that he was gone, life wasn't worth it to him. No matter how much he apologized, no matter how much he tried to plead, no matter how much he tried to understand, nothing mattered. He was weak, that much he knew, but he never thought he was weak enough to do something against his morals. 

Surely he was letting down everyone. Could Nagito even be disappointed in him? Not that it really mattered. Nagito was gone and it didn't matter what he wanted for him. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault. 

His eyes drifted to the orange bottle. His fingers wrapped around the bottle, eyes reading the description. Morphine prescribed to patient Nagito Komaeda. He tightened his grip around it and shut his eyes. This was it. This was what he wanted. 


He...wants to see Nagito...right?

There were other ways to do this.

He could drown in the lake. But it was too shallow and they'd find his body quickly.

He could jump from the tree house. No, that would be too short of height to kill him.

He could die the same way Nagito did. 


His fingers quickly unscrewed the cap, setting the cap aside. No mess, no fuss. 

This was it. He would finally be happy again.

"Hajime!" He heard people call his name, but it was too late. He smiled as he collapsed onto the floor of the treehouse, his vision becoming blurry and filling with black dots. "I love you...Nagito." He whispered before shutting his eyes.

So firstly, thank you for 4K views and 300 votes! It means a lot to me, and i know I don't deserve all the support i've been given. This just started as me writing whatever came to my mind for my OTP. And can I just tell you how hard it is for me to write any other pairing other than KomaHina, like holy shit. Its so hard. But anyway thank you all so, so, so, so much. I have a list of ideas for oneshots so i'm set for a bit. Just please be patient with me. Love you all!

Empathy ; Komahina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now