he starts walking and goes to the one place he knows he will feel more relax after a day of hell. He finds the ladder and climbs up, it's already getting dark out so the sun is already setting. He walks over to the edge the face away from the street but over a forest, and let's out a sigh as he looks at the sky which is different shades of purple and pinks turning into a dark shade of blue on the other side of the building.

"Thought I would see you here again" The same voice from two nights ago says. Ashton turns his head and sees the same boy. Wearing the same purple beanie and same black vans, with a different pair of blacks jeans, these one's have holes on the knees and upper thigh, he had a dark red shirt that is lose on his body. A cigarette is in between his index and middle finger, he puts it up to his lip as he turns to face Ashton. "So you said if our paths cross again you will tell me your name"

"Ashton" Ashton says, The boy smiles at him.

"Calum" The boy says. "Do you want one, you have been looking at it for a while"

Ashton has only had a cigarette 4-5 times in his whole life, useally when he is hanging out with his friends that smoke. He knows it's bad for you, but he always knows it helps people relax.

"Yes please" The boy hands him a cigarette and then holds up the lighter. Ashton holds his cigarette out and Calum lights it.

"why are you here again anyway" The boy ask, Ashton looks at him. "I mean not that I mind, but most people don't come back to adondom building"

"School is hell and I needed to relax" Ashton says, before taking a puff from the cigarette. Ashton doesn't know the boy, he knows his name but that's it. But he feels safe with this boy, like he can trust him because Ashton knows this boy has his own problems. "Why are you here"

"What do you mean"

"Yesterday, you said you needed to feel relaxed, i told you why im here why are you" Ashton says, the boy gives him a small smirk because yes Calum did say that.

"My drug addict friend, he is just stressful sometimes. He makes me so worried and stress" Calum says, Calum finishes his cigarette. He drops it on the ground and steps on it just to make sure it's out. You can tell he is stressed by the bags under his eyes and the tired look in his eyes. "You should get home, you don't want your parents to worry because I'm pretty sure you didn't tell them you wouldn't be home right away"

"Well what about you, shouldn't you go home and take care of your drug addict friend" Ashton snaps, "Sorry, just rough day"

"Acutely yes I should, but his parents are with him but they do need a break" Calum mumbles more to himself then Ashton.

The two boys walk over the ladder, Ashton goes first then Calum follows close behind.

"Will I see you next time people pick on you "

"What how did you know"

"I use to have a friend that gor picked on to and I know what it looks like, anyway see ya later Ashton"

"Bye Calum" Ashton says as he walks away. He waits until Calum is out of site before climbing back on to the roof. He isn't ready to go home yet, not becauae home is a bad place but he just needs to relax a little bit more. he stands where he was standing before and just looks over at the view but for some reason the first thing he thinks is he view isn't is as pretty as calum which is weird because yes he is bi but not once has he ever called a guy pretty.

Ashton sighs getting slightly bored now that he is alone but still doesn't want to go home yet since he rather be bored then have to do homework or something instead he grabs his phone and clicks on the first name he sees.

"Hey max, so you wanna hang out for a bit" I ask as he picks up the phone

"Yeah sure, me and adam were heading to the café on the corner, wanna meet us there" Max replies.

"Yeah sure, see you there in a few" I say, we say a quick goodbye before I hang up and start on the way to the café. 

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