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"Mikey, are you awake" Calum says as he knocks on his best friends door but when he doesn't hear a respond, he just walks in while holding a cup of hot chocolate with pills to help with his headaches he has been having lately. He doesn't see Michael sitting on his bed like usual instead he sees him sitting on the roof outside of his window. Calum grabs a blanket before he crawls out the window and sits next to his best friend. "Why are you out here so late "

"I need to think" Michaels says, Calum hands him the pill and drink which Michael happily accepts. then calum puts the blanket around them since its cold outside.

"About what" Calum ask, pulling his knees into his chest, resting his chin on his knees looking at the street. Noticing how the light right in front of them flickers off and on ever so often.

"Why did I have to do drugs" Michael says in a soft voice, Calum looks at him surprised every time in the past 4 months that the word drug has left Michaels mouth it's always been him asking for them or something along those lines. "I just wish I had someone there that day to pull me away from those guys, tell me that I don't need the drugs to feel better, someone that could have just been there"

"Well I'm here now" Calum says, care clearly laced in his voice. He always wished he was there back then. Of course they were friends have been former but they went to different schools, Calum recently transferred to Michael's school. "What do you want me to do"

"I want you to just be here"

"I don't know what you mean"

"just keep doing what you are doing, just dont give me up on me please. i need you to keep believing in me, mom and dad already have. I need you Calum" michael says, his voice soft. you can hear the fear in his voice, a fear of calum leaving him. giving up on him. His parents haven't given up they just never know what to do. They don't know Michael like I do. Theyve never had to deal with someone on drugs.

"I will never stop believing in you mikey" calum says, he grabs his best friends hand, mikey holds on tightly. they have been doing this since they were kids. if either of them were upset or scared or just needed comfort they held hands. "i'll never give up on you mikey, never. i promise"


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