Chapter 1

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My boss laid another stack of paperwork on my desk and sent me a genuine smile.

"Got another assignment for you Vicky, managed to secure you another column in next months local article, give them a good story, yeah?" She said warmly, fixing a wisp of auburn hair that spiralled out of her immaculate bun.

My eyes shifted over the pile wearily, holding back a sigh.

"Of course Jane, anything in particular?" I replied.

She arched an eyebrow thoughtfully, "Yes actually, there's been lots of stories about bad things turning out good, if you could get a story along those lines with a positive ending that would be excellent." She nodded.

"Of course, anything else?" Reaching my hand out, I retrieved the papers and pulled them closer to me.

"No, thankyou, that's all." She briskly walked off, her heels clanging away.

I like Jane, sort of. She has a lot going for her, she's just a bit, controlling. Although I mean she is my boss, but whenever her son comes in for a good chat, he's always rambling on about her behaviour too.

She's a real nice woman, but I think her controlling everyone doesn't sit well with men, seeing as she's been single for the past 18 years after Robert, her son's dad left.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket, and I pulled it out to silence the alarm, my shift was finally over, thank god.

I paused and glanced at my lock screen, it's was a nice picture of me and my sister Alli at her wedding.

Alli and I are quite different, especially in appearances. She has pin-straight, natural, blonde hair where as I have beach-waved brown curls, falling down to my lower back.

She also has paler skin than me, but that's probably changed seeing as she moved to Hawaii a few months ago, I was still stuck back in Kentucky.

Relieving myself with a sigh, I grabbed my phone and paper work, pushed my chair in and headed for the elevator, thank god it's a Friday.

The elevator door eventually opened and I headed down, past the front office and to the car park where I could quite easily spot my old, red truck among all the silver, commercial cars.

I strutted over and dumped my belongings on the passenger seat before jumping in the driver seat and turning on the ignition.

I could feel the engine hum beneath me quietly and I smiled, my good ol' trusty truck.

Driving off slowly, I pulled out the carpark and began my weary journey home.

After 40 minutes in the car, I finally turned onto the gravel road and bumped around for a good 5 minutes before my house popped into view.

Technically, it's not mine, I rent it. I was meaning to save up and buy a home, but my long term boyfriend, whom I was saving a deposit with, apparently lost feelings for me and left, leaving with half the money, essentially leaving me broke.

Great guy, huh.

So I'm back at square one, and rents been going up lately, it's becoming difficult to afford along with the bills and petrol for the car.

I stepped out my car and ambled over to the front door, unlocked it and strolled inside.

I dumped my things on the kitchen counter, and made my way to the bathroom for a well-deserved bath.

I swarmed myself in bubbles and closed my eyes, another week done, finally.

The sudden sound of my phone going off awoke me from my nap in the bath, and I looked around in horror, but I relaxed when I saw my phone by the sink.

I got out the bath and wrapped a towel around me before I grabbed it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Victoria! How are you! We haven't talked in ages." Chirped a familiar voice.

"Alli, hey, I'm okay thanks, how about you? What's with the surprise call?" I smiled to myself, taking a seat on the edge of the bath.

"I'm great, Hawaii is so amazing Vic you have to come visit me at some point! I'm almost as tan as you! Oh you know, just catching up to see how you are, what's new?" She rambled.

"I would if I could Alli, but you know what works like, and I'm really tight on budget right now." I laughed at her tanning joke, she probably was by now. "Nothing new really, how's Adam treating you?" I cooed jokingly, she was in mad love with that man.

"He's treating me super, he brought me flowers this morning, so cute!" She said, like I said, mad love.

"That's good then, look I got to go, I'm super tired after this week and I've got more work to get started on, perhaps I'll call you next weekend?" I yawned into the phone.

"Oh sure Vic, call me anytime, glad to know you're doing well." She said softly.

"Alright, glad to hear about you too. Catch you later, seeya!" I replied, and ended the call.

I reached around and pulled the plug from the bath, stood up and headed to my bedroom.

I stripped myself from the towel and quickly changed into a hoodie and pair of leggings and ran a brush through my hair.

I went downstairs and prepared myself a small salad, watched a bit of T.V and headed off to bed, already half asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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