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  • Dedicated to Josie and Lily-Rose Small <3 xx

Firstly I couldn't wait till next year, nerves have taken over and made me think that you will all hate it so please tell me if you do :)

ok so this is a completely random story and i have no idea where im going to go with it but hey,it dont matter because in all honesty i never actually know what im doing half the time :) but its got the gorgeous twenty twenty and the brilliant one direction ;) <3 Cazza xxx ps even though different chapters might be dedicated to different people this whole story is being dedicated to Lily-Rose Small :) someone who, at the moment, doesnt know anything about anything but the one thing she should always know is how amazingly brilliant her strong, lovely mother is, so to Josie and Lily-Rose i dedicate this whole story to you both <3 love you forever <3 xxx


Charater Profiles

Mercedes Smith - 15, blonde hair, green/blue eyes, wierd, annoying, 1/5 of Forget-Me-Not, moody alot, always joking and mucking about, never serious, given up on love after past boyfriends, hates mushy love quotes and stories, youngest, group pranker, causes most trouble, always getting told off, very protective of friends, secretly draws, doesnt know how talented she is at it, does kick-boxing

Hayley Bronze - 15, brown/ginger hair, blue eyes, just as wierd as mercedes - partner in crime - very smilely, only serious when its needed, been with boyfriend for a year and a half, 1/5 of Forget-Me-Not

Jenna Williams - 15, oldest of the group, brown hair, bright blue eyes, 1/5 of Forget-Me-Not, fancies scotty, gets annoyed with mercedes all the time, most serious but loves to joke, known mercedes the longest

Louisa Jones - 15, brown wavy hair, brown eyes, been with boyfriend 2 years, very flirty, always laughing and joking with girls, desperately trying to get mercedes, jenna and sophia boyfriends, 1/5 of Forget-Me-Not

Sophia Parker - 15, short brown hair, brown eyes, 1/5 of Forget-Me-Not, hasnt found right guy yet, lives with mum as dad and brother died when she was 2, usually most picked on at school but other girls stick up for her

Harry Styles - 17, dark brown curly hair, green eyes, most flirty, has signature laugh/smile/dimples, best friends with louis, in a relationship with caroline flack but its not set in stone, youngest, 1/5 of One Direction

Louis Tomlinson - 19, long brown hair, brown eyes, in a relationship with eleanor caldor, best friends with harry but loves all the boys equally, oldest but acts youngest, 1/5 of one direction

Liam Payne - 17, long brown hair, dark brown eyes, in a relationship with with danielle peazer, most serious out of all the boys, very protective of close family and friends, 1/5 of one direction

Niall Horan - 17, short spiked up blonde hair, irish, funniest, plays jokes alongside louis, blue eyes, always hungry, 1/5 of one direction, sees everything as a joke, farts alot, loves funny girls

Zayn Malik - 17, tanned, black spiked up hair, most vain, dark brown eyes, 1/5 of one direction, usually jokes alot

Sonny Watson-Lang - 21, blonde flip style hair, green eyes, 1/3 of twenty-twenty, best friends with sam and jack, has a lip ring, plays the drums and guitar but mostly drums, the other boys take the mick out of him because hes the shortest

Jack Halliday - 21, blonde/brown hair, brother to sam, 1/3 of twenty-twenty, plays the bass, always making jokes, never serious, loves to muck about about and dress up, best friend to sonny

Sam Halliday - 21, blonde/brown hair, brother to jack, 1/3 of twenty-twenty, best friend to sonny, has a lip ring, plays the guitar and lead vocals, love pranking fans and annoying random people in the street


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