one picture, one pencil, one million emotions

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Mercedes' P.O.V

When everyone was awake we all called taxis to the arena where the buses were parked ouside, we all rushed in and hayley went over to our managers to explain everything and why she might be feeling a bit off today, jack went over with her for support.

I was standing with sonny when a few people came in the arena accompinied with security guards, i turned to sonny confused and he shrugged and we watched as they went over to the managers and got introduced to jack and hayley.

I saw sam walk past me and head over to them, one of the girls, who looked a bit older than me rushed to greet him, she was wearing a skirt extremely short and a top extremely low, her heels clacked along as she went to him, her fake blonde extensions flowing everywhere, i gagged as he gave her a hug, he picked her up and twirled her around causing fake giggly high-pitched laughs to come out of that ugly mouth of hers, wow, someone sounds jealous.

I shook myself and walked over to harry, he sighed and leant back

"competition winners" he said before i could ask, i nodded and sat down next to him

"shes a sam fan"

he nodded and i looked over at them only to watch as sam planted a kiss on her lips. I stood up and almost fell over but harry caught me and brought me back down on his lap, i turned quickly and im guessing everyone else didnt know until we heard sams voice

"guys this is my girlfriend vicki, i invited her tonight"

i turned and jumped up, harry jumped up and grabbed my arms and placed a hand over my mouth, i felt his lips near my ear

"dont say something you'll regret"

i mumbled something back but he couldnt hear with his hand, he removed it and turned me to face him

"believe i wont regret this"

and with that i turned and was about to shout something very un-ladylike when harry grabbed my waist and shoved his hand back over my mouth, i tryed breaking free but it was no use, hes strong, note to self:destroy harrys gym membership card.

As i struggled to break free of harrys grasp i saw sam loop his arm around vicki's waist and turn their backs on me talking to sonny and jack who were probably demanding an explanation, i saw from the corner of my eye that everyone was watching them and me struggle to kill him, god i dont think ive ever been this angry... wait, take that back but you know what i mean.

I finally broke free of harrys grasp by licking his hand, but just as i was about to jump on sam louis grabbed my waist and the next thing i knew i was lodged over his shoulder and he was walking away from sam and back over to harry, he put me down and put his hands on my shoulder

"behave little missy, i mean it"

i nodded slowly and he moved slightly and began talking to harry, i was about to walk off when he grabbed my hand and made me face him, i sighed and looked up at him

"im going to see louisa"

he sighed and let me go and i walked off towards... sam, him and harry quickly realised and were about to stop me from punching sam in the back but didnt have to worry as i was soon flat on the floor struggling to break free from liams grip on me, he struggled to keep me down and i struggled to get up, sam turned around and stared at me confused

"mercedes what are you doing?"

me and liam stood up and i brushed myself down before glaring at him

"practising rugby, problem?" i snapped at him, he shook his head looking confused about why i was acting like this although im pretty sure he knew.

I felt liams hand on my shoulder to stop me from doing anything else, sams grip on vicki tightened and he pulled her closer, causing her to giggle and go all high-pitched, i gagged and shoved liam off before storming outside and sitting down on the cold concrete steps.

Sam's P.O.V

i knew i was making mercedes jealous by getting with vicki which was the main point of getting with her, when mercedes stormed off everyone looked at me and i just shrugged it off and carried on speaking to jack even though i could tell he wasnt happy with me.

"um, i need the loo, stay here a sec" i said to vicki, she nodded and gave me a quick kiss before i walked off and through the big double doors, instead of taking a left and going to the loos i took a right and pushed the exit doors open.

Mercedes was sitting on the steps holding a folded up piece of paper, i sighed and walked out and sat next to her, she shifted her body away from me and turned her head, i opened my mouth and tryed to talk but nothing i could think of sounded good enough.

"how long have you been with her?"

i turned to her, she wasnt facing me, just looking down at the paper in her hands

"not long"

she nodded slowly and looked up at me, remaining eye contact she offered me the paper

"here, take it"

i accepted it and broke our lock to open it up, it was a drawing of me and her, we looked really happy and the drawing was brilliant, above our heads was a fancy style love heart and roses with our initials, i looked up at her and she looked away, i looked back down at the picture and realised that the heart had an arrow through it, i looked up at her full of concern, she pulled up a pencil which i guess made the arrow.

"funny aint it? the way one pencil can change millions of things, it can give a man a beard, give a dog a bone, give a heart an arrow."

she put the pencil on the paper and it rolled closer to me, she stood up and i looked up at her, pain and hurt were flowing out of her eyes yet she managed a smile

"its for you"

i nodded slowly, i opened my mouth to say something when she bent down and put a finger on my lips stopping me, she leant closer and i felt like my whole world was about to explode

"you've got a little bit of lipstick on your cheek lover-boy"

and with that she stood up and walked back inside, it took me a moment to recover myself but i raised my hand to my cheek and wiped it, i saw i had a red mark on my finger which meant red mark on my cheek, i sighed and stood up, i folded up the drawing and put it in my back pocket before rushing along to the bathroom to clean myself up.


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