1- Fated Meeting.

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"Sakura!" The blonde haired woman squeaked, in irritation at her pink haired friend

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"Sakura!" The blonde haired woman squeaked, in irritation at her pink haired friend.

Sakura laughed at the blonde, "Gosh! Ino, you look hilarious!"

Ino stomped to Sakura, Her make up running because of the cold water thrown at her, disturbing her beauty sleep.

Sakura calmed down, letting out an occasional chuckles, "Who wears make up for sleeping?" She raised the towel to soaking Ino.

Ino snatched the towel and scowled, "I was having a snap chat with Sai-kun at 2:00 Am. I have to look best at any time!" She wiped her make up off.

"I don't think Sai would leave you if he saw you without any make on, Ino. The way he looks at you, it's like...Like his world revolves around you. If I didn't know better, I'll say you guys are soul mates." Sakura mused.

Ino paled at the word and looked Sakura with wide eyes. She regained her composure and let out a fake laugh.

"Really, Forehead. A soul mate?"

Sakura shook her head in amusement, "I know, What are we, a werewolf?"

Ino let out a choking sound. Sakura looked at Ino with a concerned expression.

"Are you alright?" Asked Sakura, patting her back, worriedly.

Ino calmed down, placing her hand on her fast, beating heart. She cast Sakura a nervous glance.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I accidentally choked on my spit." Ino gave Sakura a reassuring smile.


Ino quickly changed the subject, "Sakura, are you going to the Carnival tonight?"

Sakura visibly deflated, "I want to but everyone is busy with their boyfriends. Hinata-chan is going dinner with Naruto, Tenten-chan with neji are joining them, Temari-chan has a dentist appointment so, Shikamaru is taking her there and of course you are busy with helping your Dad."

Ino looked at her friend with a guilty expression. She signed sadly for not including Sakura in their secret but she can't do anything. It's a rule which every Member has to obey.

Sakura suddenly brighten up, "I'll ask Gaara-kun. Surely, he'll go!" She exclaimed.

Ino nodded with smile, "Yeah, You do that." Sakura ran into the house with a excited laugh, probably to call Gaara.

Ino stared at Her friend with sad face. Sh felt a vibration in her hand a looked at her phone. It was a text from Sai.

'Wear something formal. The meeting is in pack house. Inform the others too. Love you❤'

Ino quickly texted back.

'Ok, but I feel so bad, lying to Sakura-chan like that. I'm sure the others too.'

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