My favourite things and memories

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Throughout everyone's life we have moments we remember forever. Favourite things we do, or hear, or smell. Growing up, they stay with us forever. These are mine...

One of my life long favourite memories were with my boyfriend last year. We went to the cinema to see the avengers, age of ultron. And on the way back, we got on the goofy subject of being chased by zombies (We had these talks haha) all of a sudden, he lifts me up bridal style and runs with my up a street while yelling "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. It was so goofy and nerdy. But it was perfect and made me feel relaxed to know, this was the guy for me. He made all my troubles and worry melt by being silly, and making me laugh by doing things like that. Fondest memory I'll never forget haha.

One of my lifelong favourite noises, is a cats purr. Preferably my two cats, Misty and Binx. It's that contented sound, that lets you know their happy and at peace. It's so soothing and happy for me.

Another noise, is one I remember all through my childhood growing up, which still happens today. Is waking up on a weekend, to hear a house full of people downstairs. Laughing and joking. Talking about multiple things. It was music to my ears. I always loved coming from a big family.

One of my favourite things I did often, almost every day. When I was in a relationship with my partner, I would love to look at him when he wasn't paying attention. If we went to the cinema, which we did often. He would be so engrossed in the movie, that I would love to look over and watch the emotion and passion flit across his face. I often did this when he was playing guitar. Other people look at the hands, and technique. I watched the sheer passion and love he had for it. I would've rather watched him than the movie. Also, whenever I had trouble sleeping, or I woke up before him. I would stroke his chest and watch him sleep before I drifted off myself. The way his nose crinkled, eyes filtered. Always hoping he was having beautiful dreams. And he would always be in mine. I couldn't sleep without it. I had to feel his touch. Watch him when he wasn't paying attention. It always astounded me how much I felt for him a year on. Crazy, and still one of the best feelings ever.

My two favourite places in the world I love to go to are Whitby and Tenerife.
Both places I have took loved ones and shared amazing memories, I will treasure forever. Whitby is beautiful for its design and history. It's gothic and beautiful. It feels as though you've stepped back in time and flooded yourself with history.
Tenerife is my second home. The beaches, hotel, friends I've made along the way, always makes me feel better. It's like a holiday therapy for me. Beautiful island, warm weather, great food and beautiful people. It really makes the soul feel better.

A favourite place of mine would be, when I was in high school, we had a band night at the local venue called "Can you Jam". My school was massive on bands and music. The Arctic Monkeys was formed there. We have the first performance on documentation. And all my friends would go down, we used to watch our friends perform and sing real music. There was Bon Jovi, Arctic monkeys, Paramore, The white stripes, You me at six, twin Atlantic and always Oasis. My best friends favourite song was "Wonder wall". Everytime it played we used to get up, dance and sing all the words. I still know them off by heart today. I was 13-16 years old at the time. I never lost that memory. Good friends and good music.

One of favourite feelings is when you've eaten something really delicious, and your jaw aches at the first bite. Painful but worth it. That's how you know it's good.

Waking up from a long sleep, in your own bed, wrapped up like a caterpillar in your blankets. Feeling totally rested and peaceful, ready to take on the day. That's perfection to me.

Listening to a song for the first time and realising its touched your soul. It will become a part of you forever. There's only a few songs that have done that for me 'Santo and Johnny - Sleepwalk', 'Lady Antebellum- love is the heart of the world and Golden', 'Nat King Coal - When I fall in love', 'Elvis Presley - I can't help falling in love with you', 'Solomon Burke - Cry to me' and lastly 'Oasis - Champagne Supernova and half the world away'
I'm massive fans of all the artists, but there the songs that have stuck with me since childhood. I've grown up listening  to them and they shaped who I am. Music goes straight to your soul. I'd die without it.

Lastly one of the best memories I have is when I was with all my college friends, at Subway before a performance we were doing. Joking, eating and basically not caring about anything. I met some life long friends from college, who are going to be with me for my entire life. That town that I went to, holds allot of amazing memories and firsts for me. As much as people don't like it. I look beyond the place to what I've done there, and who I've become. It was pretty awesome.

In the mind of a girl (Diary) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now