Part Two: Bridgette's POV

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Senior year. It's official. I wish it'd stay summer forever! Just hanging out on the beach and surfing the waves. This is my last year of high school! So much has happened these past few years at Wawanakwa High. New friends. My boyfriend, Geoff. Aww...Geoff. He's a bit of a party dude, who am I kidding? He's a major party dude! We met freshman year and have been dating ever since. All summer we hung out and surfed. It was perfect! He's like my soulmate! Anyways, I grab my messenger bag and head out the door where Geoff's waiting in his car to drive us to school. I hop into the jeep and kiss him.
"Hey babe," says Geoff, pushing his hat up.
"Hey," I reply.
"Ready for our last year of school? I know I am! Woo-HOOO!" he exclaims pumping his fist into the air. "Time to par-tayy!"
"Definitely," I answer laughing. Geoff always puts me in a good mood. The high school isn't very far, so it only takes us like ten minutes to get there and park. After we get out I hear a familiar voice and a tan guy walk towards us. Brody. Geoff's best friend.
"Dude!" They both say as the chest bump eachother. Luckily I see Courtney getting stuff out of her car.
"Babe, I'm gonna meet up with Court," I tell Geoff as I grab my bag and head towards Courtney.
"Ok, see ya!"
"Oh, hey Bridgette! Senior year can you believe it?!" Courtney says with a smile and a box in her arms. The box is filled with 'Vote for Courtney' merchandise. That's right...Student Council elections. "Bridge, could you help me distribute these?"
"Sure!" I answer picking up one of the other many boxes in the backseat. Man it's pretty heavy, geez. "So, how is the whole Duncan and Gwen situation?"
"Umm. Well we'll just have to see." Courtney immediately looks slightly put out. She always insists she's over him, but I think she loves Duncan still and more than she knows or thinks she does.
"And Scott?" Scott is one of the guys she took 'interest' to after Duncan cheated on her with Gwen.
"Scott? That annoying farmboy? Oh puh-lease. I dumped him after a week. He's such a dweeb! He won't leave me alone and is one of the biggest idiots I know!" She huffs. Poor Court. She can't seem to find the right man for her. Like me, she got tricked by the evil Alejandro two years ago. He was the new guy, a transfer from Spain. All of the girls, and I mean all, fell head over heels for him. Even Heather, the Queen of Mean! He used all of us and now he and Heather are so in love it's sickening! Ugh they're perfect for eachother. "How are things with Geoff?"
"Oh, really good actually!"
"That's good. Well we had better start handing these fliers, buttons, and posters out before competition strikes!"

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