Part Five: Noah's POV

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Another year of high school. Great. Another year of drama, homework, and torture. I grab my books and climb into my mom's car. Yeah, I still get driven to school. I don't have my own car, but I can drive. I'm a senior, of course I can drive. What'd you think?
"Honey, ready for your last year at Wawanakwa High?" asks my mother. I swear I don't understand how we're related.
"Well the sooner this year is over with, the sooner I'm out of here," I answer flatly. I start the next chapter of my book. You don't need to know the title.
"Noah... Look on the bright side!" She constantly insists this.
"It blinds me." I retort sarcastically. My family seems to forget that they have a pessimist for a son.
"Well, just have a good day, ok sweetie?"
"Bye," I say getting out of the car. I find myself in the all too familiar courtyard in front of the main doors. Mom drives away to go to work. Finally.
I turn to look for whoever said my name, but instead get tackled to the ground. On the concrete, I open my eyes and see Izzy on top of me. I should've known. My 'friend,' Owen's ex-girlfriend. Believe it or not, no matter how nutty Izzy is, she's my best friend. And...maybe...she's also the girl I like. Yeah I know, surprising coming from me isn't it? Whatever. Anyways, Izzy's sitting on my stomach and smiling crazily.
"Hi, Izzy," I say attempting to lift her off of me. She's very light and bouncy. She springs right up and then helps me up. I swear she has super strength.
"Hi Noah! High school! Senior year! Are you excited?! I know I am! Woo-hoo!" She exclaims. She then jumps into my arms. I stumble back. My bookbag and books are on the ground.
"Yeah, ok." I reply, setting her down for a second to put my books back in my bag and then sling it around my shoulders. Then I pick her back up. I'm stronger than I look, ya know. She is in jean shorts, a green t-shirt, and green flats. Her reddish orange hair is in crazy bouncy curls around her head. She may be crazy, but she's also pretty.
"Onward, servant!" Izzy screams extended her arm and pointing to a tree with a bench. I see Eva, Izzy and I's other friend, over there and start to head over. It's kind of hard to walk while you're carrying someone, but I manage.
"Hey, um, guys." Eva says as we approach.
"HI EVA!" Izzy responds which almost makes me drop her.
"Woah..." I mutter as I stumble.
"You hanging in there, Noah?" Eva asks me with a laugh.
"Barely." Then Eva punches me in the shoulder and I accidentally drop Izzy. Izzy lands on her butt and starts laughing hysterically. She hops back up and I'm just relieved she doesn't get mad that I dropped her. I rub my shoulder. Eva is like incredibly strong, so that punch hurt. Welcome back to high school! I say to myself. This year will be interesting all right...

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