Part Twelve: Heather's POV

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Ugh. Why do all of my closest friends have to be my competition?  Scarlett and Courtney.  Both my biggest competitors in this Student Council President race.  Well plus my boyfriend, Alejandro.  Lindsay isn't competition, but she's a complete airhead.  Anyways I can't stand Beth, so hanging out with Lindsay isn't always great for me.  Now I also have to figure out a way to get Max away from Scarlett without her going off on him or us getting in trouble.  Shouldn't be too hard for us though. On top of all that, I also have to prepare for the senior-exclusive dance. Also, of course I'll make sure Alejandro and I are king and queen. I can't wait to have my title for the fourth year in a row! If only I wasn't stuck in History. There's nothing I hate more than History, well maybe there's a few more things I hate more than History... As the teacher goes on about some weird new school year spiel, I get out my notebook and puffy pens. Don't judge me, puffy pens are the best. I bite the end of the pen as I think; force of habit. I begin to jot down all the senior's names. Since the dance is exclusive, I have to make up invitations for each senior. At the dance committee meeting tonight I'll have to ask about budgets. We'll need enough money for food, decorations, a DJ, and so much more. I guess all of that can't be decided until there's a theme though. A theme... Hmm...

"Heather!" exclaims my teacher, Mr. Jacobson, taking me out of my daze. I jump in my seat. "I asked you a question."

"Let me guess. Some nation cut off trading to another nation and it started a war?" I retort with one eyebrow cocked. The rest of the class laughs and I smirk awaiting Mr. Jacobson's flustered response.

"I'll tell you what, Heather. That kind of talk will not be tolerated in my classroom. You're a senior, act like one." he demands. Damn. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of their bed this morning.

"Touchy," I mutter under my breath. His eyebrows move up so quickly and far that they've gotten lost in his receding hairline.

"What was that, miss?" Mr. Jacobson sneers.

"Nothing of importance to you. Also, if you could refrain from calling me 'miss', that'd be great, thanks." I reply flatly. You can practically see the steam come out of his ears. This causes me to almost burst out laughing, ah the rise I get out of people is just so pleasing.

"If you're going to disrespect me, then you can leave my classroom." Wow. Get it all out bud. To my surprise, he says with extra heavy inflection, "Miss." That's it. I'm just about ready to storm out when the bell rings. Never have I ever been so thankful for a bell, geez the phrase, "Saved by the bell," is no overstatement. I quickly gather my stuff and shove past Mr. Jacobson until I'm safely out in the hallway. I do not look forward to going back there tomorrow. Oh well, maybe my daddy can have a nice chat with Principal McLean about his staff...

     I get to my locker and try the combination, but my fucking locker doesn't open.  "Fuck!" I scream as I punch the metal door with all my might.  Immediate pain courses through my reddening hand. 

     "Mi amor!  Are you okay?" Alejandro asks worriedly as he runs up to me.  He takes the books out of my hands and elbows my locker, opening it for me. 

     "No!  I am not okay!  My history teacher is a dick!  And apparently even my locker hates me!" I shout, throwing my arms in the air, but now I actually care.  Alejandro places my stuff in the locker and envelopes me in a warm loving embrace.  I sigh happily.  "Thanks babe, I needed that." I say looking up at him. 

     "Always, mi amor.  Wanna talk about it?" he asks.  I smile at him and he slips his muscular arm around my waist.  Then we head out to the courtyard, disregarding the bell.  It's not like we'll be missing anything important.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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