Chapter 6

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Pulling into a parking lot packed with many types of fancy cars, my nerves tense up.

"You ever been to church before?" Gaven asks.

I shrug. "First time."

"Your par-" He stops mid-sentence, probably remembering how sensitive I had reacted that morning on the bus.

"Yes. My parents had never gotten the chance." I explain. "They were murdered when I was 6. The killer was never found."

"I"m...sorry." He whispers.

"Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault, you didn't know not to ask. And I don't need any of your sympathy crap."

The truck dies after the key leaves the ignition. Wordlessly, he flings the door open, and steps out. He offers me a helping hand. Accepting it, I hop down, and find myself face to face, well face to chest anyway since I don't measure up to his tall body. His mouth twitches into somewhat of a smile, but it appears fake. I step out of the way and watch as he slams the door with great amounts of strength. I catch up to his brother while Gaven follows behind.

"Don't mind him. He's been having a bit of a temper lately. He'll cool off. Just give him some time."

"What's he mad about?" I ask.

"He just... I don't know. It's complicated."

Glancing over my shoulder, I see him observing my every movement. "Why does he stare at me like that?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

I shrug.

Entering the building, Gaven manages to fall in step beside me. Bumping into me slightly, he mumbles, "Sorry."

Taking our seats, Gaven sits on the right side of me. The lights dim and instruments begin to play beautiful music.

His mouth whispers into my ear, "This is the part where we join them in singing."

The crowd rises to their feet, so I follow along. Voices begin to harmonize together. It all connects and comes so magically and beautifully to where the only thing I can do is watch and hear in awe. Gaven doesn't pronounce the words but hums loudly along.

Moments later, we are taking our seats again, and are listening to a preacher preach mesmerizing words of the Lord that rapidly fills my heart with hope. He shares the story of how cruel people ruined the skin of Jesus by painful nails, and how He was healed when brought to Heaven. I stare at my hands and think 'how could they? Why would they?'

After being dismissed, Gaven nudges me. "So what did you think?"

I shrug. "Well, it was very interesting, but I don't understand." He looks at me questioningly with raised eyebrows. "Why are people so cruel and mean?" I ask.

"Don't know." He replies.

"I'm still confused."

"Each person is given a choice, live eternity with Jesus Christ, or burn in hell with the devil and his deranged people. If you choose to love yourself and your true Father, then well, death is painless, and Heaven is amazing."

"And He just accepted all the beatings from everyone?"

"Sure did."

"But..." I present a confused expression. "Why? He didn't deserve any of it."

"I know. It's just the way the world is."

As we exit the church, Gaven says, "Hey Jonhy, stop by Dollar General, I need to pick up a few items."

Ugly is Beautiful  By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now