Chapter 12

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After stitching Gavens injury, we head down to his basement where he had locked up Ethen for answers. He digs in his pockets for the key. His back is to me, and all I can do is smile at the sight of him.


"Yeah?" He says as he fiddles with the lock.

"I love you, I really do."

"Oh do you now?" He questions me, and glances over his shoulder.

"Yes." I reply matter-of-factly.

"I love you so much more."

"I object." I say.

"Well your objection is over ruled by my unending love for you."

Gaven finally manages to budge the door open. But the basement is empty, for Ethen isn't chained to the wall anymore where we had left him. A troubled scream echoes from another room.

"Johny!" Gaven hollers and shoves his way past me. I stumble to the floor as he disappears somewhere in the house. I hop to my feet and trail after him. When I finally catch up, and stand frightened next to Gaven, it growls at us.

"Is it Ethen?" I ask and observe as it takes the ugly image of Gavens untamed curse that lies within. His grey eyes flicker to me and then his large body leaps across the carpet. Gaven blocks me, and swings me in his arms. We watch as the monster crashes into the wall, leaving multiple cracks. Gavens hands curl into fists and pounds on the deformed face of the raging animal. Gaining knowledge that he is powerless against the tempered beast due to his earlier injury, I grope for any harmful item in my reach, and then launch it at Ethen. He pounces at me and rips the skin of my arm. A blood curling scream vibrates loudly through the air, and it comes from me. Blood flows and his venomous teeth seems to seep numbness into my very soul. Surroundings rapidly fade and the last thing I hear is, "Get away from her!"

A  past long gone

The man before me tousles my hair with a simple motion of his hand. A beaming smile lights up his entire face.

"But mom!" I hear Katherine whine from the kitchen.

"No buts young lady! If you're just going to back talk me again, then you may as well go to your room because I don't want to hear it!"

He sighs, and  then stands. "Katherine sweetie." He hollers. She comes stomping in the room.

"What?'' Her many temper tantrums gives off her outside and inside ugliness.

"What's wrong?"

"Mom, she's being stupid again.'' She growls with frustration.

"Do you have any idea how blessed you are to have a mom like Martha?"


"Well you sure don't act like it. Go tell your mom you love her. " Katherine makes a face to show she's annoyed that dad is siding with mom once again. Now that he's done his fatherly part, he grins down sleepily at me.

"Hey kiddo, time for bed."

"But I don't want to go to bed yet." I frown at him.

"I'll make you a deal, if I read you a bedtime story, then will you go to sleep?"

"Sure will." I jump with glee because a night like this rarely happens.

Mom appears in the doorway a few minutes after dad tucks me in. Her expression is weary as she explains that shes decided to drive Katherine to her friends house to stay the night.

Ugly is Beautiful  By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now