Chapter 12

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Hai readers!

I know that I've been gone for like a million years. And I wanted to apologize. I can't believe how many people read and enjoy this book and I'm so happy that I can bring someone joy, no matter how brief.

I don't really know how to thank you for being here all this time.

***IMPORTANT: One idea I did have is a Q&A of sorts. If you guys would like, that is, I would be willing to answer any questions you guys have about me, or you could even send in questions to ask the characters of the story. It's just an idea, but tell me what you guys think.***

Hope you all enjoy!!

Katie shrieked as Travis's hands attacked her sides, tickling her until she was a rolling, squealing mess on the ground. She pleaded and cried through her laughter for him to stop, but Travis couldn't bring himself to stop when his actions blessed him with that adorable giggle.

Finally, he released her from his grip and the poor girl simply flopped onto the grass, breathing heavily and wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes, her sides aching, but a light feeling plaguing her chest.

She opened her bright green eyes to see blue ones staring back at her, mere inches from her face. Travis had leaned over to hover above the daughter of Demeter.

"You know, I wouldn't do that if you didn't giggle so cutely every time I did," he told her with a cheeky grin that blew into a full blown smile as Katie roller her eyes.

However, a second later, she shook her head lightly, a grin coming to cover her own face as she reached up to wrap her arms around Travis's neck, her hand twisting into his mess of curls as she tugged his mouth down to meet hers in a sweet kiss.

And then she woke up.

She woke up without yelling siblings, without sleep-interrupting friends, without annoying Stoll brothers. She woke up nice and relaxed in her comfortable bed and it was horrible.

Katie lay wrapped up in her floral comforter for a minute or two after waking up. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to call it a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. She was done lying to herself, she obviously had a thing for Travis- and she really shouldn't. There was no more denying it.

Of course, she would deny anyone else who said it, but she finally felt safe enough to admit it to herself at least, after liking him for who knows how long.

Which is why the dream was wonderful. She hadn't felt happier in a dream in a long time. But that's the thing.

It was a dream.

Pursing her lips, the brunette decided that she would try her very best to put the dream behind her and focus on something else... anything else.

However Tyche didn't seem to be on her side recently so she knew not to get her hopes up.

And speaking of not getting your hopes up...

A satyr stopped Katie on her way to get breakfast -she could make it for the last ten minutes of breakfast- and told her Chiron had asked for her in the Big House.

Giving a polite thank you, she changed course towards the Big House, wondering what the centaur could want with her. She found him talking to Percy and Annabeth and hesitated to approach him, hoping that they weren't discussing anything too important.

However Chiron briefly paused their conversation as he caught sight of Katie and gestured her forward.

"Your father is on the phone in the main office," he said with a small smile, scooting aside to make way for her to pass.

With a big smile, Katie rushed forward, jogging towards the phone and eagerly picking it up.

"Dad?" she asked with a smile.

"Hi pumpkin, how's your morning?" 

She let out a breathy laugh, her father always seemed to bring out the best in her. "Good. How about yours? Managing to keep up with all the jobs on the farm?"

"I'm handling just fine, Katie-bean. Though, the fruits don't grow quite as sweet without you here to give 'em your attention."

"We can talk more about the farm when we go out to eat later. And about my abundance of adventures," Katie said with a laugh.

She was expecting a hearty laugh back but instead got a small sigh.


"About that, pumpkin. I have something really important that could only be taken care of today. I'm gonna have to cancel today."

Katie wasn't really sure how to respond to that.

Unlike many other demigods, Katie had always been really close with her mortal parent. And when it came to the point that Katie had to start staying a lot more at Camp Half-Blood, her father came up with the plan to get together every three months, always on the first Friday of the month they were meeting up. Her father would fly from California no matter what and come spend the weekend in New York.

He was canceling. For the first time. And for what?

"...I'm sorry pumpkin. But if all goes well with this event coming up we can rescedule for a week or two. Yeah, how does that sound?"

Her mind was on autopilot as she gave a good, "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll talk to you soon, bye dad."

Well this day wasn't look so bright and sunny so far.

But how could it get worse, right?

Impossible? I Think Not: A Tratie storyWhere stories live. Discover now