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Chapter Two - Scratches - Liam's P.O.V

I picked up Lily off the floor since she walked her little legs over to me pulling on my pants. I looked at Danielle confused.

"They can't just run off like that.. We all made a pact, remember? To always stick together no matter what. To always be together, to always never leave one behind. We fight for each other, and we save each other. They can't break that promise. We known them for so long now, they can't just.. They can't just do this." By this time everyone had tears in their eyes including me.

"I'm sorry but in my opinion, something happened because they can't just do that. Even though, we haven't talked to them in like what? Couple months? They out of know where just ignored us, something is going on." I added. I stood up with Lily on my hip. "I'm going to find out what is happening, they had to have left clues for us." I gently put Lily on my chair I was sitting on and kissed her forehead.

"Daddy will be right back okay?" She nodded as I left to the last known where abouts.


I was currently at El and Louis' bedroom store thing. I walked around the place looking for missing things or any clues I could find. I'm not scared of anything anymore. If it's your naked grandma, monsters, creepy dolls, I won't be scared of it. The whole hotel thing changed me completely. I sure as hell won't be scared of scary movies anymore either. 

Nothing was out of place except for the three deep scratches on the wall.. Was that there before? Was it caused from the zombies? But then again, three big scratches? "Come on now Liam, don't be such an idiot. Zombies were humans before, I'm pretty sure they have normal hands as we do." I thought to myself. I mentally face palmed myself.

Anyways, I walked over to the back room as known as the storage room. Hmm, all there is here is just more mattresses. I walked even further into the back and noticed a note. It read,  "Dear Liam, I think you'll be the one to read this. Or it could be Danielle.. I don't know, well, any of you two, I know this is really sudden.. Really really really sudden, but there's a reason. I know we all haven't talked in a while but I promise you that we still love you. It's just that.. Well something is happening and we're doing this to actually save you guys.. Well.. Okay um, Danielle knows something that you guys don't know. Well you guys probably know, I don't know honesty but anyways there has been fresh food that randomly come up out of no where right? Well, Louis, Jannie, Niall, and I made a deal with them. If we help them, then they'll help us with food. Turns out, plans off. We have to go away with them or they'll kill us all.. There's a big army of them, a group of survivors. But they're crazy! They're cannibalistic people! We're dearly scared, what if they force us to eat dead people? That's gross! Ew, but anyways, please help us.. Please.. -El"

Oh my mother of naked babies, what on earth is going on? I meant, what is happening?! What does these three scratches mean? Cannibalistic people?! A group of survivors?! What?! 

I took the note, and slid it into my jean pockets. I turned around bumping into Danielle. She had tears in her eyes and blood on her palms. "D-Dani.. What's wrong? What's happening?" 

She pulled me into a hug crying. "Dani, you're freaking me out! What's wrong?"

"We found a s-survivor outside crying with her daughter knocking on the window.. We had let them in and the daughter passed out. Then she woke up as a zombie and she was going straight for Lily.. So I h-had to choke the girl, because none of us had our weapon with us.." 

"Oh my, Dani.." I whispered hugging her tighter. "Where's Lily now?" 

"S-She's with Harry.. Liam..?"


"I heard you reading the letter.." She croaked whispering. I pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears. I pulled off my shirt and wiped her hands. "I miss them.."

I nodded and frowned. "I miss them to Dani.. We need to find them.. Okay? We're gonna go get ready, get all of our gear, and find them. We can do this okay? We will find them, and we'll leave LA for good. We'll leave this place forever, and find a new and safe place to stay at okay?" Dani nodded and hugged me again. I kissed her lightly and walked her out of the storage room. 

Just as I closed the door, something caught my eye. A gun and a bullet. I looked at Dani and pointed to the gun. She hiccuped nodding. I picked it up and examined it. "It had the same scratches on both the gun and bullet as the one of the wall." I noted. 

"T-There's the same scratch in Jannie and Harry's room I think..." Dani said. 

"What if that's there logo sign thing? A name for the group of survivors? Kind of like a gang symbol." 

"Maybe.. We should tell the others.." I nodded and walked out with Dani.


"Okay, well as you all know, El and them had left all of a sudden and well I think I know why now." I said looked at them. I scanned over our group and noticed the new chick. She looked oddly strange, kind of like she was hiding something. She wasn't crying anymore either. I mean, if my daughter turned into a zombie and someone had to choke her to death I'd be crying for days.. 

I outta keep an eye on her. I looked over at Perrie who was chewing on her finger nails with red watery eyes. Zayn held her by the waist rubbing circles onto her back. Gemma and Anne stood there looking down playing with their hair and nails silently crying. Harry sat on a chair with his face in his hands crying. Dani and Lily was back in our room probably packing up our stuff. 

"I was in El and Louis' room trying to find some clues but unfortunately, I didn't see anything except for a letter, a gun, a bullet, and these scratches." I read them the note and told them about the gun and bullet.

"Dani and I agreed that we should all pack up and leave. We need to find them and leave LA for good. Everything here is bad and it's like a cursed city or something. So let's all pack and meet up here okay?" The group nodded and headed out. 


Harry's P.O.V

I can't believe this.. They're gone.. They're fucking gone.. I- I hope they're okay.. I hope Jannie's okay.. 

Ever since Niall came back, Jannie and I haven't discussed about what happened with us. Every time I see her, I just want to go kiss her straight then and there but I can't. I can't do this to Niall. I can't do that to their family. Niall is my best mate and I would never do that to him. Every time I think about her, I like her more. To this day, I think I might love her but I'll never have her love again. 

I shook my head sighing, as I walked back to my room. I walked pass by Niall and Jan's room. I did a double take and noticed that when I left my room, the door was closed, and now it was opened. Maybe Liam opened it? I don't know. I pulled out my walkie, just to make sure and called for Liam.

"Yeah Harry?"

"Did you ever went into Niall's room?" I asked. 

"Nope, but Danielle said she did when she told Lily to go back to you. Why?"

"Did she leave the door open?" 

"No, she closed it." I looked back at the door and felt a rush of wind on my back. I turned around and saw nothing. Then I heard some hangers move from the racks. 

"I think, we're not alone Liam.. Unless I'm going crazy and experiencing some paranormal shit again because Niall's door is opened and I felt a rush of wind on my back and heard some hangers move on the racks." I said looking around in circles. 

A/N: 3 notes for the next chap(: I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Sorry if it got confusing for any of you. x

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