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Completely sorry for not being on or updating lately. school is super uber stressful and trying to have a social life is stressful too! but yeah, I'm finally updating. the ending of this book is nearing but i might just end up making a 4th book(: -J xx

Harry's P.O.V

SLIDING DOWN into my seat, I ran a hand through my hair sighing quietly. Too many nightmares to the point I think they're real. To the point where I don't know which is reality and which isn't. 

Scars from fights, zombies, hurt, pain, and just a little bit of everything that ever happened to me just seemed to build up and jumble inside my mind. I just can't stand this anymore, the whole hotel bullshit, these zombies, these nightmares, I just can't do it.

I looked back at Jannie once again before looking in the review mirror. I then looked at myself. I looked different than before. Bag's under my now droopy eyes that it made me look like I wasn't getting enough sleep, but I was. My lips were slightly chapped and my hair was growing a bit longer than my usual length.

Jannie though, her lips were perfectly moist, and her curly hair, was just as curly as ever. Her eyes, well they were getting a bit droopy and she does have some bags but it's from these dreams we get. That whole bathtub shit just fucked up our brains, making us go crazy. We basically just cheated death, and now this is what we get.

I just don't understand this, how and why did that whole happen at the hotel? Can it be connected to anything somehow? Other than supernatural paranormal stuff.

"Wait," I whispered then looking out the window to see a zombie far back. "Zombies are supernatural.."

Looking towards the dashboard where we kept our journal of notes and the map we had created about the whole how to cure this stuff and the book and new papers on how it started, I began to wonder. What if when Lilian messed up the cure, she wanted to do a spell or something to try to save her mess? And that's how the whole hotel thing happened.

Wait. I mentally face palmed myself for the stupid idea. That made no sense what so ever. I sunk deep into my seat before closing my eyes. 

What can actually make sense with all of this. I have this feeling in my body and mind that we're all connected some how. From when Jannie and her friends and me and the boys first met, to Walmart, to the hotel, to the whole supernatural bathtub bullshit, and the pictures in the hotel! They could all be connected, like fate or something. 

I opened my eyes and bit my lip slightly, I looked in the review mirror before something caught my eye in the trunk. A book. I flipped over and turned around so my knees were on the chair and I was facing the back. Since I had long arms and long fingers, I was able to lean far enough to be able to reach the book without disturbing anyone.

Looking at the book, my whole entire theory flashed before my eyes. This was the photo album. The photo album. Of me, the girls, the boys, and Niall. The book from the hotel that made us confused and sacred. The one on how it had pictures of us that we never took.

"How.." I questioned before opening the book slowly. There were tons of pictures of the group and I, and even with Anna and Jannie's kids. 

Flipping through the pages once more, I was near the end of the book. But that's when shit started getting weird. There were pages about Lilian Montgomery and handwritten notes of theories on how this would've happened. Strangely, what I thought was written right in front of me. On the paper I recently just now see. 

"Harry?" Jannie mumbled opening her eyes slowly making me fastly close the photo album. "What's that?"

I shrugged, "Just a photo album I found.."

She nodded before looking at me fully, "I think I have a theory on how this happened.. Well, it happened in my dream."

I nodded for her to go on and she gave a slight nod before continuing. "Well, I had a nightmare. It started out as a nightmare to be exact but then it gets weird. But anyways, I had a dream we were in a car crash. And that I dying but I was able to control my self you know? Like lucid dreaming, where you can control your dream but except that I had like a certain situation I was in. Anna was also bitten by Maxxy and then when the car flipped, she was laying right besides me but she didn't make it. I didn't make it either but you did."

Furrowing my eyebrows together I gave her a confused look. "I had the exact dream. We were eating beans or something then I told Anna to feed some to Maxxy but he bit her arm. So we had to put him down, then there were tons of zombies so you got into the back with Anna to stitch up her arm. But after that, we went down a steep hill and the breaks weren't working so we flipped after I tried to turn the car."

"That's exacty what happened, but when I died I could still see everything that was happening. It was like a sad movie because Niall and the group came." She added looking at her lap then at me again.

"Wait hold, what was your theory though?" 

"Well, I woke up in the dream and saw a photo album that happened to be the same photo album from the hotel. The one with the pictures of us, and Anna were in them too. But anyways my theory was that we were all somehow connected. Me, you, the group, Anna, the hotel, the photo album, the bathtubs, and whatever Lilian did."

I pursed my lips together just as she finished talking. I then pulled out the photo album and handed it to her. "I lied, it isn't just any photo album. It's the one from the hotel, but this has written notes of our theories and things about Lilian."

She opened the book and flipped through the pages, reading and looking at every single thing. "I'm honestly just confused, I don't understand how this is happening."

I nodded in agreement before looking ahead. "We should keep this between us, okay? When we find the group, we need to have a group meeting and talk. Only just us and our group because I don't trust anyone else at the camp."


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