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Dani POV:

"Dani Dani Dani Dani. I got broads in Atlanta." Someone sang.

I rolled over and put the pillow over my head trying to block out the sound.

"Wakey Wakey Taylor Swifty" the person said pulling the pillow off of my head.

I started laughing so hard I couldn't breath. I opened my eyes to see Liv standing next to me smiling like an idiot.

"Really? The panda song then what the heck was the T-swift thing?" I asked her still laughing.

"D shhhh, your gonna wake your lover." She whispers trying to hold in her laughter.

I gently lifted Blake's arm from around my waist and got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom to see how horrifying I look This morning.

"eww you look worse then Brando when he wakes up
In the morning." Liv makes a disgusted face.

I stare at her in shock. "You've slept with my baby brother?"

"Nooooo. I slept with Brandon not Ashton." She smiles proudly at what she calls her 'comeback'.

I roll my eyes."You knew what I meant Liv. And it better of been just cuddling and not the other type of sleeping." A smirk appeared on my face.

"Again, Ewwww I'm only 13. I wouldn't do that."

'I have seen hickeys on your next before though'. I said in my head.

"Anyway," Liv continues, "shopping day? I need a new dress for my soccer banquet."

"I hate shopping" I Pouty.

"We will go to the food court and I will buy you something"

"So when do we leave?"

She smirked before telling me
I have 45 minutes to get ready. I quickly got in the shower. How does she expect me to me ready in 45 minutes? My showers r usually longer than that. I got out and put a towel around me. I opened the bathroom door hoping Blake wasn't in the room. He wasn't. Thank the lord Jesus Christ.

I was looking through my closet trying to find something to wear when my phone went of. I went over to check it. I logged in and went to my messages. Since I have no social life I only had like 2 messages even though i haven't been on my phone since last night.

Livvvvv👑: I picked out your clothes for today. They are on your desk. On your laptop screen is a picture of what type of hairstyle I thought would look good. U have 20 minutes left.

I put my phone down  and when over to the desk. I have to admit the outfit wasn't that bad but she picked out a tight crop top. Nope! Not wearing that. I got the top and put it back
In my closet. After about 5 minutes of looking for a different shirt I found one. It was a blue/greenish following tank top that comes down to my lower stomach. It's my absolute favorite shirt.

I put that on with the rest of the outfit Liv picked out. It was just a pair of light high waisted jeans. I looked at screen of the computer and it was a four strand French braid leading into a messy bun. I laughed. It's only like 9:30 in the morning and she thinks i actually have the energy to do good hair styles. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and go into the bathroom.

I just did a light makeup cause honestly, who wants to look like they were raped by crayons. Not me. 

I walked down stairs to see no one. Litteraly no one. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and txt Liv.

Damn👟Dani: hey where r u.

(A/n that is actually my name in my friends phone. I feel bad for every Dani/ Daniel that lives in the world since that video came out)

Livvvvv👑: outside waiting for your slow a$$

I threw on my converse and went outside. I saw Liv at the end of my driveway with Brandon. She has a similar outfit on. That makes more since why she picked out a different shirt for me origanlly.  (The outfits👇🏼)

  (The outfits👇🏼)

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"Finally your here." She said as I approached them.

"I didn't take that long."

"Ya only 15 more minutes then I told u."

"Hey I got ready in a hour that's good for me."
I pointed out.

"Good point but guess what." She smirked. Oh no. I feel like Something bad is going to happen.

"W-what" I asked nervous.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming to the mall!" She started singing.

I looked at Brandon and we started laughing so hard. This is hilarious.  We said our goodbyes to Brandon and headed off the to the mall.

Wait, the mall has a food court. And Liv promised me something from the food court. So that means...




The last sentence is honestly me all day everyday. I like food a lottttt. But who doesn't?

A little bit different type of chapter😋 someone's coming back home in the next chapter☺️ I will try to upload soon!

I don't read authors notes when I read books so that means most of u don't either. Comment if u read these notes I want to see how many of u actually read them😂

I have to go eat. Bye cutiesss🦄

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