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"Ok, so let me get this straight. You and Blake told each other 'I love you'. But only me, cat and Mario know about it."

"Mark Thomas knows too cause he's one of Blake's best friends and they talked about it apparently. "

"Uhh, ya. And now Blake is lowkey freaking out because he thinks that a dream he had is going to come true and world war three is going to happen and the world gonna end." Liv says trying to recap everything I just told her.

"He is highkey freakin out. Plus, Your so extreme Liv, no one ever said the worlds gonna end." I rolled my eyes.

"No but you implied it." Mario added on.


Cat quickly speaks up, "You said that Blake thinks world war three will happen if hunter find out so technically that means the world will end."

"Why are you guys like my second family? You Selman's are crazy." I stand up and pick my longboard up from the floor.

"But you love us!" Mrs.Selman says walking down the stairs.

"It's hard not too." I laugh making sure to shut the front door behind me.

It takes me an extra 15 minutes to get home. I stopped at dunkin donuts on the way. I mean why would someone build a dunkin donuts at the corner in between mine and Emily's street. Well it's a good place to make business I guess. This neighborhood does have way to many teenagers living in it.

When I got home I put my board in the garage and quickly finished my donut before anyone else saw it. If Brandon and Ashton found out I went to dunkin donuts and didn't buy them anything they would make me give them mine and that's not gonna happen.

I quickly threw off my shoes at the door and go up to my room.
Blake still hasn't moved from where he was when I went over to the Selman's house two hours ago. I sighed.

I turned off the TV and went over and sat next to him on the floor at the end of the bed.

"This is really bugging you Isn't it?"

Blake just hummed in response and rested his head on my shoulder. "Blake everything is going to be fine, you said it for the right reason. Your not like him. Hunter will be happy that we said it. He want us to be happy."

I started combing my fingers through his hair. "I guess your right." Blake sighs.

"I love you" I turned my head and kissed his forehead, "Get some rest mhk?"

Blake nodded his head. I walked downstairs to find Hunter just ending his broadcast. I walked over to the couch and turned on sponge bob.

"Ok spit it out sis." Hunter says coming over and giving me a knowing look.


"Your little boyfriend has been acting weird all day. I know you notice it too. What's going on?" He raised his eyebrows

"Nothing H, he's just really stressed right now and I don't think he knows how to deal with it."

"Darn it I was hoping it was some juicy drama. Like juicer than my butt." Hunter says pouting and looking over his shoulder at his back side.

I burst out laughing.

"Kim K's butt is a million times bigger than you flat ass dude" I said smirking at him.

"Your not a supportive sister are you? I mean look at this butt. All the girls love it." Hunter stood up and started twerking.

"Let's me real here Hunter, everyone knows you stuff it." I replied knowing I'm right.

I pulled out my phone and recorded a video on snapchat of Hunter twerking. After the 10 seconds were up I quickly typed 'he think he has a big butt🙅🏼🍑'

"Heyyyy" Hunter pouted looking up from his phone at me. I'm guessing he saw the video on my story. I gave him an innocent smile.

He came over and sat next to me. We kept talking and fooled around for hours. Before we knew it, it was already midnight. I really miss times like these when we were all younger and no one was internet famous and had to deal with the responsibilities that come with it. We were all just stupid kid, stupid twins who would never leave each other's side.

But life changed for a reason right? I'm just hoping it's a good one.

773 words⚡️

Are any of you wondering who 'he' is yet? He has been coming up a lot recently hasn't he🤔 don't worry you'll find out who he is soon😏

Comment who you think 'he' is if you want. Hint hint, it's another younower😉

Dani's gonna go stalk 🐸☕️ now so Dani out🤘🏼

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