7 Things

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Chapter 1_7 Things*

I look down into the box. There is 7 things. In the cardboard box, I have a pearl necklace, a microchip of some kind, a piece of a red leaf, a pretty blue rock, a butterfly wing, a chunk of leather and a lock of silver coloured hair.

I am supposed to make a story out of this... But I'm not sure how. I could go in order of the objects or randomly pick one. I could put more than one in each story or make a story for each. I could make long stories or short ones. I could make them all the same genre or all different.

I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this... Honestly.

I stick my hand in the box and grab a random object. I take my hand out and my object is the pretty blue rock.

How am I going to do this? How will I make a good story with a boring blue rock?

I put the rock down on the counter and go to bed. Maybe I'll get ideas before bed. I grab my notebook and pencil to write down ideas.

I take my shower, brush my teeth, put my PJ's on and go to bed. I day dream for awhile and still don't get any ideas. I eventually fall asleep, empty of ideas.

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