Fear and Power.

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Chapter 5_Fear and Power.

I look down at the empty gun in my hands.

"What have I done..." I whisper. I look at all the men I shot. I've never killed someone before, it feels horrible.
I throw the gun across the large temple room, screaming at myself.

"IM A MONSTER!" I cry. I fall to the floor in tears, holding my face.

"It's not your fault..." George says. He puts his and on my shoulder. "Let's go..."

"O-okay... You're right. I had to." I stood up and started walking through the doorway. I grab my bag and carry it to the next room. "Let's go."

We get past a few more simple traps and mazes when we finally get to a dark room. George takes his flashlight out and waves it around. Something glints when he passes his flashlight over it.

"Wait. Give that to me." He gives me his flashlight and I aim it at the glinting object. We get closer and notice that it's the blue rock.

"The blue rock!" George exclaims. He runs up to it ignoring the possibility of a trap.

"Wait! Stop!" George ignores me and picks up the rock. The pressure plate underneath the rock lifts up and arrows start shooting out from the walls. "George!"

I run to grab him but I get shot in the leg and fall to the ground. The arrow must have poison in it because, I suddenly go unconscious. The last thing I see is George get shot in the back and fall to the ground in pain.

I start hallucinating and soon enough find myself in a poisonous trance...

Waking up casually I can see someone dragging me around. I don't stay awake long enough to see what they look like.

Where are we going? What happens next? Will I die?

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