George the 'great'

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Chapter 3_George the 'great'

It's morning. I wake up and notice that George isn't in bed anymore.

I go outside and see him standing on the edge of the cliff, with his tiger.

"You should be careful..." I say. He doesn't turn around or answer me. He just stares into the distance.

I come stand next to him and notice the amazing view. A beautiful lake with teal tinted water and palm trees that sway in the wind. The sky is baby blue, with not a single cloud in sight.

"I wanna be like my father was..." George whispers. "I want to be a great adventurer like him..."

"You can be whatever you want." I pat him on the back. He sits down, so I sit down with him.

"No. I'm not great enough..." He says. "Everyone expects me to be just like him."

"You can be great. I see it in you..." I respond. "You don't have to be like your father..."

He takes out a small jewelry box, containing a photo of his father.

"Before he died. He told me that I had to live a life of adventure and to do what I love." He started crying. "And that's what I did..."

I hugged him and handed him a tissue from my pocket.

Yes, I have tissues in my pocket. Why should this even matter?

"Let's prove that you are great like your father!" I yell. "Maybe even better!"

He stands up and starts packing away the tent. He picks up his bag and gives me a determined pose.

"THATS IT!!!" I yell, really loud.

Him and his tiger starts walking through the bushes as I follow close behind. The day is warm and under the trees is shady. I look down at my soaking wet jogging shoes.

"Uhhhh... I just realized. I'm not wearing the proper adventure clothes..." I say.

"I noticed." George replies. He throws me a bag of clothes and throws a pair of shoes that hit me in the face. "Rule one! An adventurer should always wear the proper clothes!"

I hide behind a tree and change into the assigned uniform.

"Done!" I come out of hiding and pick up my bag. "Let's continue!"

We continue our long walk and stop casually for breakfast and lunch. We always come across a beautiful view once in a while.

We finally got to the temple, before anyone else.

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