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Chapter 4_Rivals

We get to the huge temple. It looks as it will fall apart. The sand is soft and crispy and looks like it will cave in, while we are inside.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I ask, frightened.

"Yes! This is the place!" He says. "And look! Nobody is here yet! Let's go inside!"

He walks through the doors and whips out his flashlight. He looks around for possible traps.

"It's really dark in here..." I whisper. "Are you sure about this..."

He looks around at me and grabs my hand. He starts walking deeper into the temple.

"Getting scared already, huh?" He says. He brings us to a fork in the hall. "Now. Which way."

"I don't know..." I whisper. George's tiger starts sniffing the floor and goes down the left path.

"I guess that's the route." George follows his tiger and we get to a room full of pressure plates. "A trap."

"How are we going to get through?" I ask. George's tiger starts to walk on the pressure plates, oblivious of the danger.

"Kalie! No!" George yells. His tiger get off the pressure plates. As soon as he hops off, the ground beneath them crumble and fall into an endless pit.

"Woah..." I grab a pebble on the ground and throw it at one of the further pressure plates. It's crumbles and falls below.

"We will have to run across. We don't know which ones are stable..." George says. He grabs his bag and pulls out all the heaviest things, so I do the same.

"Ready. Set. Go!" We start running across the pressure plates as fast as we can, trying not to fall. His tiger starts to get slow and the pressure plates beneath her start falling. She falls through and disappears. I start to fall, too. I trip on my laces and start to fall. George turns around and pulls me up in a split second. We continue running, now half way. We get closer to the end and at the last pressure plate, it falls faster than the others. I start to fall, but grab the ledge. George grabs my hand and helps me up.

"Where's Kalie?" George asks. I look at him with a disappointed look. His face turns pale and blank.

"She didn't make it..." I said.

"Oh... O-okay... Let's go." He says, fighting back tears. He continues down the hall. We get to a room with a puzzle on the door.

"A puzzle..." He says. He takes a huge book out of his bag and flips through it quickly. "Here it is..."

"You have a cheat book for this!?" I yell.

"No. It just helps read and give certain answers..." He replies. He puts the book down and shows it to me. It matched the circular dial before us, but with a different pattern.

"Okay. You must enter the password..." He says. "It says here that... Did you see a mural at the beginning?"

"Not that I remember..." I mumble. He suddenly looks panicked. "Wh-what?"

"The password is what was on the mural..." He says. "Are you sure you didn't see one?"

"I'm sure..." I respond. "Oh, no."

We go back in our minds trying to remember if we noticed anything, when suddenly the ceiling above us starts falling apart.

"Oh, no." George says. "Hide!"

He grabs me and pushes me behind a large vase. He runs to me and slides towards me, behind the vase.

"What's goi-" He slaps his hand onto my mouth and signals me to be quiet.

People start jumping down through the hole in the ceiling. They all have guns and special tools to break through doors and walls.

Another man after comes down. He is large and muscular and has tattoos going up his arms. He has a large gun in his hands and is wearing his long, black hair in a braid.

"Let's get this door down..." The large man says. He walks closer to the door and aims his gun at it as men jump out of the way.

He pulls the trigger and smashes down the doors in one shot. The floor shakes from the explosion and the vase we are hiding behind falls over and smashes to pieces.

Nobody notices us. We both sigh and breath at normal speeds again. George crouches and starts sneaking towards another vase, but before we can get to it, a man turns and sees us.

"Oh shoot." George says.

"INTRUDER!!!" The man yells. He points at us and all the other men looks towards us and start running towards us with their guns.

"Their shooting at us! Run!" George yells. He runs through the blown open door, with me following close behind. They get me in the shoulder. The pain is nothing you can imagine. I grab my shoulder and follow close behind George. The muscular man catches up to me and puts a gun to my head.

"Don't move." He whispers into my ear. I can feel the cold metal against my head, sending shivers down my spine.

"Don't move a step George... Or I'll shoot your friend." George pauses. Defeat clear in his eyes, he kneels down on the ground. "That's what I thought."

George looks up and the look of disappointment disappears from his eyes. He stands up and continues running.

He's just gonna let me die? Why? I thought he was my friend...

Suddenly, I hear the muscular man yell in pain. He drops the gun and I run free. I see him being attacked by... Kalie?!

Men start shooting at her, trying to free the muscular guy.

"KALIE!?!" George yells. He picks up the gun that the muscular guy dropped and starts shooting the men.

Kalie jumps at men trying to shoot her and violently tears them apart. I grab a small pistol from the remains of a dead guy and start shooting at the men, trying not to hit Kalie or George.

Eventually, all the men retreat or get killed.

I looks down at the empty gun in my hands.

"What have I done..."

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