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On some days Yoongi's complexion is a shade of snow and feathers- as if he's made of moonlight. Other days he wears lethargy over his body like a punishment-

It's always the little things that Jimin notices about Yoongi, like how his movements are always clumsy and pointless, how his pupils are always huge and almost swallow the gentle color of his eyes whole-

If makes Jimin sad, and it makes him forget about the things that should matter.

Though Yoongi and Jimin have given up on words, there is still the occasional instance where they speak for hours with lidded eyes over divides of smoke and ringlets of blue.

Today is one of the days, it's just Yoongi holding Jimin and whispering to him about all his ghosts and his demons- his vices and his virtues;

Sometimes Yoongi drifts off, in more ways than one- but Jimin is always desperate to draw him back in, with timid entangling of toes and confident mazes of interlocked fingers- it doesn't take long, but Yoongi comes back.

He always comes back.

Jimin needs him, though. He likes to think that it's all for a reason-

A blissful, tantalizing reason.

But during late nights formulating a personal relationship with Yoongi's fists, there is no reasons at all.

There's only bruises, cuts- seams and stitching-

And the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

+ Cherry Wine ; YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now