+ eleven

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Yoongi stands, grabs Jimin's hand- and pulls him close, so close.

He call feel Yoongi's thundering heartbeat marbling with his thin pulse, and hear Yoongi's feeble whispers over his earlobe. 

"Listen," Jimin isn't sure if this is sound of heaven or just Yoongi's voice breaking under the pressure, "I'm still in love with you. I'll never fall out of love with you-" 

Yoongi brings his hand over Jimin's chest, and the younger is soon painfully aware of his own razor sharp heartbeat filling the void between their bodies-

"I love you too, Yoongi."

Any trace of hesitation is whisked away by the smile Yoongi presents in a moment- wide and full of gums and sparkling teeth-

He apologizes over and over again, but the words are useless and crumple and fall into the dull corners of night.

Jimin smiles now, so bright and so beautiful it takes Yoongi's breath away;

He looks perfect and pretty on the surface, but deep down it's all muddled and impossible to place, and only one thing is clear-

The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

+ Cherry Wine ; Yoonminحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن